Political Blogs

Congressman Jason Smith's Capitol Report - Stalled in the Senate
October 24th 2017 by Dee Loflin
Congressman Jason Smith's Capitol Report - Stalled in the Senate
Congressman Smith Capitol Report
Stalled in the Senate
October 20, 2017
It’s always great to be back home and spend time with folks in our area. This week, I’ve had the opportunity to travel to more than half of the counties in Missouri’s 8th Congressional District, and have met with everyone from parents, teachers and students, to doctors, farmers, local small business owners and community leaders. During my travels this week, the folks I visited with consistently told me they were frustrated with Washington. “Why is Congress failing to act on President Trump’s agenda?” The truth is, I join you in your frustration.
As a matter of fact, since January, the House of Representatives has passed 362 bills which is almost 100 more than the average under the last four Presidential Administrations. We have passed legislation that will reduce regulations, bring back healthcare choice and competition, cut spending, increase local control and ensure America’s energy-independence. Plus, let’s not forget that the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Obamacare repeal and replace legislation President Trump asked for and sent it to the Senate months ago. We are delivering for our President and the American people. But the Senate has yet to do the same.
Obstructionists in the Senate need to realize that our President isn’t going to put up with business as usual in Washington – he expects results. Sadly, Senate Obstructionists aren’t just left-wing liberals. They are “Republicans” who have never supported our President and find it more politically beneficial to obstruct than to deliver results for the American people.
Because of the Senate slow-down, President Trump has only had the chance to sign 64 bills into law. He is ready to take action on much, much more. Of the 362 bills we have passed, 286 are now stuck in the Senate. President Trump is also struggling with a Senate slow-down on confirming people who have been nominated to serve in his Administration. At the same time during Obama’s first year in office, the Senate had confirmed 359 of his nominees. Unfortunately for President Trump, the Senate has only acted to confirm 172 of his nominees. I agree with President Trump – the Senate should change the rules and allow a simple majority to get things done.
In fact, just last week, President Trump got tired of waiting on the Senate and took action to advance healthcare policies I've pushed for and passed in the U.S. House of Representatives. His Presidential actions are creating more choices and more competition - ending unconstitutional bailouts for insurance companies, allowing folks to buy insurance across state lines and band together with other hardworking Missourians to bring down the cost of care for their families. 
This week, President Trump met with several Senators and urged them to come together for a “once-in-a-lifetime” opportunity to fix the U.S. Tax Code and give Americans a long overdue pay raise saying, “We're going to restore America’s competitive edge, rebuild America’s middle class, and renew the promise of the American Dream.”
It’s time for the Senate to do their job. We have got to get legislation moving again in Washington and deliver real results for folks back home. Sleeping on the floor of my office in D.C. can get old, but I’m ready to get back and keep fighting for the people in southeast and south central Missouri as Congress works to deliver on President Trump’s legislative agenda.

Last Updated on October 24th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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Congressman Jason Smith's Capitol Report - The Power of Prayer
October 16th 2017 by Dee Loflin
Congressman Jason Smith's Capitol Report - The Power of Prayer
Congressman Smith Capitol Report
The Power of Prayer
October 13, 2017
Whenever I am working in Washington, my fellow Republicans and I open our weekly meetings with prayer before declaring our allegiance to the American Flag. This time of reflection sets our intentions and reminds us that we are truly “one nation under God.” Opening with prayer is a long-held practice in our great nation. In fact, Benjamin Franklin began the Constitutional Convention by reminding his fellow founders to bow their heads in prayer.
In 1776, when crafting the United States Constitution, our founding fathers declared that, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” But 241 years later, California Atheist, Dan Barker, tried to challenge our freedom of religion and stop prayer from happening in the U.S. House of Representatives. Barker sued the United States House of Representatives Chaplin, Patrick Conroy, for allowing prayer in the halls of Congress saying that it “violated his constitutional rights.” Fortunately, the court ruled on the side of Chaplin Conroy, prayer and American’s freedom of religion.
Growing up as a preacher’s kid, prayer has always been an essential part of my everyday life. We started and ended our days thanking the Lord, and my parents taught me how to seek Him in times of trouble and times of joy. Being raised with these values and faith has made me the person I am today and has helped me through many tough times.
Earlier this summer, my dear friend Steve Scalise was shot by an attacker who was targeting Republicans as they practiced for a charity baseball game. After several surgeries and months of rehabilitation, Steve returned to work a couple of weeks ago, and we heard him talk about the power of prayer from the floor of the People’s House. Steve said, “I saw real miracles happen on that ball field… There’s a lot of reasons why I shouldn’t be here, but I am. I think it’s through direct miracles from God.” 
Freedom to express your religion and your beliefs is one of the core values on which our country was founded. Last week, President Trump reversed Obama’s mandate that forced religious groups like the Little Sisters of the Poor and Christian-owned businesses like Hobby Lobby to pay for something that their religion fundamentally does not believe in – birth control. Forcing people who have sincerely held religious and moral objections to cover the cost of contraceptive drugs was a blatant violation of our First Amendment rights. 
On Friday, President Trump said, “America is a nation of believers, and together we are strengthened and sustained by the power of prayer.” We live in a world where I think we could all use a little more prayer in our lives. I take time each day to pray for my family, my friends, our country, our first responders, our brave men and women in uniform fighting to keep us safe, and for all of you. I feel blessed to live in a country where we have the freedom to express our beliefs – a country where our founding fathers knew the importance of prayer and where today’s leaders are committed to upholding those values.

Last Updated on October 16th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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Stoddard County Young Republican Club to Meet
October 10th 2017 by Dee Loflin
Stoddard County Young Republican Club to Meet

Bloomfield, Missouri - The Stoddard County Young Republican Club will hold their first meeting of the school year on Wednesday, October 11, 2017.

The meeting will be held in Bloomfield, the Stoddard County Seat, at the Stars & Stripes Museum at 8:30 p.m.

This club is open to anyone that feels they are YOUNG and would like to support the Stoddard County YOUNG Republican Club.  All Stoddard County high school and college age students are encouraged to attend.  Not in school that's ok too, if you are young and eager to help out, please join them.

Bring a friend!!

For more information contact Leonard Morse at (573) 820-5851 or email to lmorse@dexter.k12.mo.us.

This is an important meeting to come to as there will be several votes taking place. New officers will be elected, participation in upcoming parades, meeting and times to be designated, etc.  Get in on the first meeting and help the Stoddard County Young Republican Club be a successful part of your life!

Last Updated on October 10th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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Congressman Jason Smith's Capitol Report - Protecting the Unborn's Right to Life
October 10th 2017 by Dee Loflin
Congressman Jason Smith's Capitol Report - Protecting the Unborn's Right to Life

Congressman Smith Capitol Report

Protecting the Unborn’s Right to Life

October 6, 2017


Forty-four years have passed since the Supreme Court’s ruling in Roe v. Wade, and as a result more than 59 million innocent lives have tragically been lost. To put that into perspective, that would be like aborting every baby born in the United States since 2002. Every representative, every physician and every American must be reminded that at the center of our Pro-Life struggle is the protection of innocent lives.


Life is precious. Just this week, we were reminded of the fragility of life yet again, when a crazed individual murdered 59 people and injured hundreds more in Las Vegas.  


I believe that life for everyone begins at conception, and we must do everything we can to protect those unborn. This week, the U.S. House of Representatives, with my support, advanced the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.  This bill was inspired by a little boy named Micah. Micah was born prematurely at just 20 weeks. He is now a thriving, healthy five-year-old. Micah is living proof that children born as young as 20 weeks have the potential to grow up and live completely normal lives. "Micah's Law" will close the loophole in current law which allows these children to be aborted.


At 20 weeks, babies can feel pain, respond to voices and even hear music. The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act ensures that any healthcare provider who breaks this law and preforms an abortion after 20 weeks will be punished, and allows them to be fined and imprisoned.


This bill is a step in the right direction to save innocent lives. In addition to supporting the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, I have voted repeatedly and consistently to defund planned parenthood and make sure that no taxpayer funds are used for abortions.


Instead, I have supported pregnancy resource centers like Birthright in Cape Girardeau who protect innocent lives and provide critical resources to mothers and families. I have spent time with them, and I can tell you first hand that they are putting taxpayer dollars to good use and using them to protect unborn babies’ right to life.


I have never wavered from my firm belief that life is precious and must be protected. I share this belief with President Trump and am proud to work along-side him to advance some of the pro-life goals he has outlined. Our President is committed to lead in the fight for life and advancing policies that make America a place where unborn children and their mothers are treated with compassion and justice. He has proved this commitment when he nominated Justice in Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court and by signaling his support for "Micah’s Law.I am proud to stand with the millions across the country who want to protect the unborn’s right to life and will continue to work with Republicans and Democrats alike to recognize the value of life at all stages.

Last Updated on October 10th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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Congressman Jason Smith's Capitol Report - defending America's Interests
September 24th 2017 by Dee Loflin
Congressman Jason Smith's Capitol Report - defending America's Interests
Congressman Smith Capitol Report
Defending America’s Interests - September 22, 2017

This week, President Trump addressed the United Nations in a way our last President never did – he put America First. 
When President Trump delivered his speech to the United Nations on Tuesday, he stood strong in front of a group that was used to former President Obama apologizing for America’s strength and power. Under the Obama Administration, American taxpayer dollars were wasted on funding the ineffective and scandal plagued United Nations – an organization that has done less and less to protect democratic nations like America who believe in the rule of law.
From President Obama calling ISIS the “J.V. squad” to Hillary Clinton saying “what does it even matter” when being asked about the terrorist attack in Benghazi, liberals have been putting America last for far too long. During his time as President, Barack Obama even called America “arrogant” to France and Europe and apologized to the Muslim world for America’s “mistakes” saying that “we have not been perfect.”
The era of pacifying other nations and not standing up for our allies is over. President Trump made no apologies when speaking this week and reaffirmed our position as the world's foremost leader for freedom and prosperity. 
“America has been among the greatest forces for good in the history of the world," said President Trump. He reminded those listening that America has consistently risen to the call when oppressive regimes and leaders have threatened the security and human rights of those around the globe.  
In his speech to the U.N., President Trump said, “The United States will forever be a great friend to the world, and especially to its allies.  But we can no longer be taken advantage of, or enter into a one-sided deal where the United States gets nothing in return.  As long as I hold this office, I will defend America’s interests above all else.”
The Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, said that he has listened to many speeches at the United Nations, but none were bolder or more courageous than President Trump’s.
Between North Korea launching missiles over Japan and Iranian leaders who have ignored the terms of Obama’s nuclear “deal,” these rogue nations have something in common: they are not concerned with protecting their own citizens. Instead, they oppress and abuse their people, putting them at risk while threatening the safety and security of the world.
These nations got a strong warning from President Trump. He promised Kim Jong-un that if he and his regime continue their nuclear aggressions, they are choosing a path that will result in the complete destruction of North Korea. Trump also called the Obama Administration’s Iranian Nuclear Deal an “embarrassment” and put Iran on notice, saying that the deal was “one of the worst and most one-sided” – a sign that he’s prepared to make major changes and put America First. 
In the last year, we have gone from President Obama, who allowed the U.N. to condemn Israel, to President Trump, whose speech actually sparked change. Shortly after his speech, President Trump issued an order punishing any company or person who does business with North Korea. Additionally, the U.N. passed sanctions on North Korea that will reduce the amount of oil they can import, stop their income by banning their textile exports and sanction other North Korean government entities. President Trump also announced that Chinese banks are breaking ties with North Korea, cutting them off and drying up their access to cash. I have also voted to pass legislation that gives our President even more authority to impose sanctions on people who violate U.N. resolutions and conduct business with rogue nations. 
President Trump is urging all sovereign nations to follow his lead. It is time for everyone to take responsibility and take action to cut off rouge nations until they can stop their nuclear aggressions and stop threatening the world. Our President is putting America First, encouraging other world leaders to do the same for their countries, and asking everyone to come together to create security, prosperity and peace for themselves and the world.

Last Updated on September 24th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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