Local Schools

Middle School Art Students Earn Awards
October 18th 2017 by Dee Loflin
Middle School Art Students Earn Awards

Dexter, Missouri - T.S. Hill Middle School Art students submitted entries into the 90th Annual Stoddard County Fair arts and crafts portion of the event.  Several students earned ribbons for their entries.

Pictured are front row: left to right Addie Medley, Rylee Corlew, Alexis Robinson, Rachel Lin, and Landon Jarrell.  Middle Row: Breanne Tammelin, Brooke Courtier, and Kayden Burns.  Back row: Miranda Norman, Ellie McBroom, and Hannah Summers.

Congratulations to all these talented young artists!

Photo submitted by Stephanie Monroe, Middle School Art Teacher.

Last Updated on October 18th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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