Local News
Buckle Up - Phone Down - Take the Challenge
October 19th 2017 by Dee Loflin

Missouri - Remember that Friday, Oct. 20, 2017 is "Buckle Up/Phone Down Day." The challenge is simple: when you get into any vehicle, buckle up your safety belt. If you are a driver, put the cellphone down. Turn it off if you have to. No texting and no talking unless hands free. By buckling up and putting your phone down - even for one day - you will be doing your part to make Missouri's roads safer. Let's save lives and turn this day into a week, a month and eventually every trip, every time.
Texting increases the risk of car crashes by 50 percent. Sixty-seven percent of this year's fatalities involved unbuckled drivers or passengers that may have survived if they were only properly restrained. The loss of one life is too many.
Join the movement - stand up and be counted on Buckle Up/Phone Down Challenge Day Friday, Oct. 20.
Last Updated on October 19th 2017 by Dee Loflin