Local Schools

2017 DHS Football Homecoming Candidate - Paige Moore
September 25th 2017 by Dee Loflin
2017 DHS Football Homecoming Candidate - Paige Moore
Dexter, Missouri - The 2017 DHS Football Homecoming Queen Coronation was held on Friday, September 22, 2017 at Charles Bland Stadium.  The fourth homecoming candidate of the evening was Paige Moore.

Paige is a senior and the daughter of Scott and Tisha Moore.

She was nominated by the football cheer squad.

Paige is a member of the football cheerleading squad, varsity track, FCCLA, DECA, Foreign Language Club, and Sr. Beta Club.

Her future plans are to attend Southeast Missouri State University using her A+ Scholarship and then attend another university to pursue a career in neonatal nursing.

Moore was escorted by Zack Cartwirght.

Zach is a senior and the son of Damon Cartwright and Denise Johnson.

He is a member of the varsity football team, varsity wrestling team, and varsity track team.

Last Updated on September 25th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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2017 DHS Football Homecoming Candidate - Emily Ladd
September 25th 2017 by Dee Loflin
2017 DHS Football Homecoming Candidate - Emily Ladd

Dexter, Missouri - The 2017 DHS Football Homecoming Queen Coronation was held on Friday, September 22, 2017 at Charles Bland Stadium.  The third homecoming candidate of the evening was Emily Ladd.

Emily is a senior and the daughter of Barry and Inga Ladd.

She was nominated by the Cross Country Team.

Emily is a member of the Sr. Beta Club, varsity cross country, varsity track, National Honor Society, and Art Club.

What's in her near future, running a 5K tomorrow.

Her escort was Dawson Kasting.

He is a senior and the son of Chuck and Kelly Kasting.

He is a member of the Student Council, Sr. Beta Club, varsity cross country varsity basketball, and varsity track.

Last Updated on September 25th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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2017 DHS Football Homecoming Candidate - Olivia Lacy
September 25th 2017 by Dee Loflin
2017 DHS Football Homecoming Candidate - Olivia Lacy

Dexter, Missouri - The 2017 DHS Football Homecoming Queen Coronation was held on Friday, September 22, 2017 at Charles Bland Stadium.  The second homecoming candidate of the evening was Olivia Lacy.

Olivia is a junior at Dexter High School and is the daughter of Kim and Steven Lacy.

She was nominated by the football team.

Olivia is a member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Future Teachers of America, Sr. Beta Club, Future Business Leaders of America, Pep Club, Yearbook Staff, Football Cheer, Kickin' Cats Dance Team and a dancer at Melissa's Studio of Performing Arts in Sikeston.

Her future plans are to attend college where she will major in performing arts and business administration.

Escorting Lacy was junior, Brock Simmons.

Brock is the son of Westley and Amy Simmons.  

He is a member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Sr. Beta Club, Pep Club, Rotary Interact, varsity football and varsity track.

Last Updated on September 25th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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2017 DHS Football Homecoming Queen Candidate - Michaela Gard
September 25th 2017 by Dee Loflin
2017 DHS Football Homecoming Queen Candidate - Michaela Gard

Dexter, Missouri - The 2017 DHS Football Homecoming Queen Coronation was held on Friday, September 22, 2017 at Charles Bland Stadium.  The first homecoming candidate was Michaela Gard.

Michaela is the daugher of Cammy and Paul Gard.

She was nominated by the varsity football cheerleaders.

Michaela is a member of the football cheer squad, Kickin' Cats Dance Team, Future Teachers of America, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, FCCLA, Future Business Leaders of America, Student Council, Sr. Beta Club, and the National Honor Society.

Her future plans are to attend college where she will obtain a degree in Elementary Education.

Her escort was Ben Sindle.

Sindle is the son of Darrel Sindle and Chris and Holly Bowman.

He is a member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Sr. Beta Club, varsity football, varsity basketball, and varsity track.

Last Updated on September 25th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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T.S. Hill Middle School Activities Sept 25th - Sept 30th
September 24th 2017 by Dee Loflin
T.S. Hill Middle School Activities Sept 25th - Sept 30th

Dexter T.S. Hill Middle School - This listing of T.S. Hill Middle School activities is a service offered by the ShowMe Times, working in partnership with C.A. Counts, Superintendent, Scott Kruse, Middle School Principal and the Dexter Public Schools for your convenience.

We hope you will mark your calendar and we encourage everyone to support our local students and their activities.  The education and growth of young people in our community is the key to everyone's future!

If you would like to submit information and a picture of a student and his/her accomplishments, send it to dloflin@showmetimes.com or call (573) 380-3318.


Monday          Sept 25        BB Practice Begins

Wednesday    Sept 27        Bus Evacs-Mrs. Langley

Thursday        Sept 28        FBall @  Kennett (7/8) 5:00/3:45         

Saturday        Sept 30        CC @ Notre Dame  Bus 7:30

Future Dates

Monday        Oct 2        GBB @ Doniphan  6:00/4:30

Tuesday        Oct 3        PE Classes-CPR by Southeast Health

                                      GBB vs. TR  6:00             

                                      FBall vs. Portageville (8) 5:00    

                                     Student Fines/Fees list due to the office

Thursday    Oct 5        CC @ Jackson  Bus 1:15

Friday          Oct 6        BEARCAT Buck Concessions

Monday        Oct 9        CC @ Bloomfield Bus 2:00

                                     GBB @ Woodland  6:00/4:45

Tuesday     Oct 10        GBB @ Poplar Bluff  5:00/4:00

Thursday    Oct 12        CC@ SEMO Conference-Jackson 1:15

                                      SS/Math Finals-8th Grade

                                      GBB vs. Neelyville 6:00

Friday        Oct 13        Faculty Birthday Celebration-Work Room

                                    Science/ELA Finals-8th Grade

                                   1st Quarter Ends

Saturday    Oct 14        Sikeston Parade

                                     CC @ Farmington 7:00AM

Sunday      Oct 15        Middle School Fall Choir Concert-TBA

Monday      Oct 16        GBB vs. Jackson  6:00

Last Updated on September 24th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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