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2017 DHS Football Homecoming Queen Candidate - Michaela Gard
September 25th 2017 by Dee Loflin
2017 DHS Football Homecoming Queen Candidate - Michaela Gard

Dexter, Missouri - The 2017 DHS Football Homecoming Queen Coronation was held on Friday, September 22, 2017 at Charles Bland Stadium.  The first homecoming candidate was Michaela Gard.

Michaela is the daugher of Cammy and Paul Gard.

She was nominated by the varsity football cheerleaders.

Michaela is a member of the football cheer squad, Kickin' Cats Dance Team, Future Teachers of America, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, FCCLA, Future Business Leaders of America, Student Council, Sr. Beta Club, and the National Honor Society.

Her future plans are to attend college where she will obtain a degree in Elementary Education.

Her escort was Ben Sindle.

Sindle is the son of Darrel Sindle and Chris and Holly Bowman.

He is a member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Sr. Beta Club, varsity football, varsity basketball, and varsity track.

Last Updated on September 25th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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