Dexter, Missouri - Southwest Elementary will participate in the Homecoming Spirit Week having dress-up days Monday - Friday.
On Monday it's PJ Day - Wear your favorite pajamas and slippers!
On Tuesday it's Tacky Tuesday - Wear crazy mismatched clothes, socks, hair bows and shoes!
On Wednesday it's Crazy Hats and Silly Socks - Grab those crazy hats, funky socks and wear them to school.
On Thursday it's Going on a Tiger Hunt - Wear your favorite camo, safari or even animal prints!
On Friday it's Red & Black Spirit Day - Wear your favorite Bearcat shirt or red and black.
Pep rally will be at 2:15 for kindergarten, first grade, and second grade.
Take photos of your children prior to school and send to news@showmetimes.com and your child may get spotlighted on the ShowMe Times. Remember to put their name and grade in the comments. You can also send a private message on Facebook to the ShowMe Times page. Let's fire up Bearcats!! Great week and don't forget the Community Bearcat Tailgate on Friday from 4:30 - 7:00 p.m. FREE food, drink, fun and give-aways from local businesses plus entertainment!

Dexter, Missouri - Southwest Elementary honors students with Positive Office Referral certificates for week of September 4, 2017.
This award is presented to students who consistently show the 3R's RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and READY TO LEARN at Southwest Elementary in Dexter.
Each student received a certificate and a FREE Taco from Taco Bell.
Back Row from left to right: Lanie Grey Mills, Maddilynn Childers, Mila Clark, Emmarie Watkins, and Evelyn De La Rosa.
Front Row from left to right: Eylen De La Rosa, Scarlett Ryan, Ariana Duley, Grant Gill, Gray LeBeau, Allison Stonis, and Carson Bomar.

Dexter, Missouri - On Monday, September 18, 2017 the Dexter Parents as Teachers will celebrate BIG TRUCK NIGHT at Southwest Elementary from 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Parking is available at the Bearcat Event Center.
Kids will be able to come and see these BIG machines and talk to the people who operate them. You might see a fire truck, electric bucket truck, a semi-truck, an ambulance, backhoe, snack delivery truck or even a tractor or delivery truck. What a great experience and fun learning opportunity this is for the little ones.
A big thanks to several businesses who are dedicating their time and a TRUCK or a VEHICLE to show the youngsters how much fun it is to work at these awesome businesses. Oh hand will be the Dexter Fire Department, Ozark Border Electric Coop, Stoddard County Ambulance, Pepsi, AmerenUE, City of Dexter, Transit Service, Air Evac, the Head Start School Bus and much much more!
Many of the volunteers will have goodies for the kids and PAT will have the famous I Spy Game to help with language development and popsicles!!
You can also enroll your family to be a member of Parents As Teachers organization. They are a wonderful group of people and a great asset to our community!
They are excited to add Kona Ice of North Bootheel this year. They will be selling treats and a portion of the proceeds benefit the PAT program.

Bloomfield, Missouri - The 1992 Bloomfield Wildcats Championship Volleyball Team will celebrate their 25th anniversary.
The Bloomfield School District will honor them for their championship run 25 years ago.
Please come out and help celebrate this team on Friday, September 15th at the home volleyball match against the Notre Dame. Game time is 6:00p.m.
Playing on the 1992 team were Amanda Young, Tonya Eskew, Lorrie Parker, Jennifer Hartlein, Karen Tippen, Stephanie Atkins, Amanda Zimmerman, Jaime Farmer, Kris Vandeven, Lea Anne Sifford, and Laura Kingree.
Statisticians were Wendy Reeves, Erin Jackson, Heather Chasteen, Crystal Christian, and Lori Smith.
Coaches were Barbara Dalton (Head Coach) and Kerwin Urhahn (Assistant Coach)
Please come out and support the 1992 Lady Wildcats State Champions on their 25th anniversary!!