Local Schools

Bernie Positive Office Referrals for Week of September 11, 2017
September 11th 2017 by Dee Loflin
Bernie Positive Office Referrals for Week of September 11, 2017
Bernie, Missouri - Kellie Owens, Bernie R-12 School District has announced the students who received Positive Office Referrals for week September 11, 2017

Students who earn such an honor also received a Subway Sandwich Gift Card and a POR Certificate.

These students were referred for displaying positive behavior!

Each student who receives a positive office referral also receives a certificate for a free meal to Subway!

Left to Right: Mathias Crawford is a 6th grade student in Mrs. Noe’s class. Mrs. Noe referred Mathias for being helpful to another student at recess. Mrs. Noe says that Mathias also has a positive attitude and is always smilling!

Shaelynn Berger is a 2nd grade student in Mrs. Dockins’ class. Mrs. Garner referred Shaelynn for working hard during as assessment.

Mason Wooldridge is a 3rd grade student in Ms. Snider’s class. Ms. Snider referred Mason for working hard. Ms. Snider says Mason always follows directions quickly and always has a great attitude.

Dyson Arnold is a 2nd grade student in Mrs. Huber’s class. Dyson was referred by Mrs. Garner for using great manners and helping a staff member. Dyson held the cafeteria door open for another student and a staff member.

Seth Felice is a 1st grade student in Ms. Stone’s class. Ms. Stone referred Seth for helping another student. Seth helped another student get caught up on a project. Ms. Stone says that Seth is always a great classroom friend.

Mandy Cobb is a 3rd grade student in Mrs. Arnold’s class. Mrs. Arnold referred Mandy for working hard every day and helping when needed.

Haley Beasley is a 3rd grade student in Mrs. Arnold’s class. Mrs. Arnold referred Haley for always working hard and following directions.

Pictured left to right are Mathias Crawford, Shaelynn Berger, Mason Wooldridge, Dyson Arnold, Seth Felice, Mandy Cobb, and Haley Beasley.

Last Updated on September 11th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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