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2017 Miss DHS Candidate Addison Kruse
September 02nd 2017 by Dee Loflin
2017 Miss DHS Candidate Addison Kruse

Dexter, Missouri - The third candidate of the evening for the 2017 Miss DHS was senior, Addison Kruse.

Addison is the daughter of Scott and Kerri Kruse.

Her activities include volleyball, basketball cheerleader, Student Council, Student Body Vice-President, Pep Club, Future Business Leaders of America, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Future Teachers of America, Tobacco Free Missouri Youth, Honors Choir, Girls State, Sr. Beta Club, and National Honor Society.

Her future plans are to attend college, but is undecided on where or what her major will be.

She was escorted by Jake Rice.

Jake is the daughter of Lloyd and Heather Rice.

Jake's response to describing Addison in three words were, "Bubbly, Beautiful, and Boss!"

Last Updated on September 02nd 2017 by Dee Loflin

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