Bernie, Missouri - Gracelyn Jo Oliver is Bernie's Parents as Teachers Student of the Month for August.
She will celebrate her first birthday on August 18th and is the daughter of Shane and Taylor Oliver.
Gracelyn enjoys playing catch, bath time, and spending lots of time outside. During the family’s PAT visits, Taylor and Gracelyn most enjoy the fun activities and the new books they get to read together.
If you would like to know more about Parents as Teachers contact Courtney McGarity or Casey Arnold at 573-293-5335, ext 293 or find them on Facebook by clicking HERE.
The following information was taken directly from the Parent as Teachers Missouri website. For more information click HERE.
Our Vision
All children will learn, grow and develop to realize their full potential.
Our Mission
To provide the information, support and encouragement parents need to help their children develop optimally during the crucial early years of life.
Our Values
The early years of a child's life are critical for optimal development and provide the foundation for success in school and in life.
Parents are their children's first and most influential teachers.
Established and emerging research should be the foundation of parent education and family support curricula, training, materials and services.
All young children and their families deserve the same opportunities to succeed, regardless of any demographic, geographic or economic considerations.
An understanding and appreciation of the history and traditions of diverse cultures is essential in serving families.
In 1981, Missouri pioneered the concept of helping parents embrace their important role as their child's first and best teacher. Today, Parents as Teachers continues to equip early childhood organizations and professionals with information and tools that are relevantᾢand widely applicableᾢto today's parents, families and children.
The Parents as Teachers leadership team and Board of Directors is engaged in a three-year strategic plan, which positions the organization as a valued partner to support the organizations and professionals who serve families and children, especially those most vulnerable.
The concept for Parents as Teachers was developed in the 1970s when Missouri educators noted that children were beginning kindergarten with varying levels of school readiness. Research showed that greater parent involvement is a critical link in the child's development of learning skills, including reading and writing.
Early childhood professionals suggested that a program to provide early detection of developmental delays and health issues, and parent education to help parents understand their role in encouraging their child's development from the beginning could help improve school readiness and parent involvement.
With funding from the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and The Danforth Foundation, Parents as Teachers began in 1981 in Missouri as a pilot project for first-time parents of newborns. Recognizing the program's benefits and cost effectiveness, the Missouri legislature provided state funding in 1985 to implement Parents as Teachers programs in all Missouri school districts. Since 1985, Parents as Teachers has expanded to all 50 states and six other countries.

Stoddard County, Missouri - Is Human Trafficking a local issue in Stoddard County and the answer is YES! Human Trafficking is more than just a kidnapping and being sold into slavery! If you want to learn more or want to help please come to an informational meeting on Tuesday, August 8, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. at the Living Water Worship Center in Bloomfield.
Come the entrance behind Living Water Worship Center at 18094 Highway 25. Now is the time to get involved and learn about Human Trafficking and Exploitation with GO:61, Inc. Southeast Missouri representative, Tish Gentry, will be on hand to discuss the new SEMO chapter of GO:61 which is based out of Springfield, Missouri.
What exactly is Human Trafficking? it is defined by a person being used as a commodity for the gain of another person through one, two or all of the follow means: FORCE, FRAUD, AND COERCION. Human Trafficking is a crime against a person and within the organization of GO:61, they believe it is the worst crime against humanity.
Slavery and exploitation exist in three primary forms: sex trafficking forced labor and domestic servitude
GO:61 is working hard to educate the public especially in the Ozarks of Missouri. Small town and rural areas are not exempt from this crime. Prostitution and domestic abuse frequently cloak human trafficking and the enslavement of a person is not recognized because it is given another name.
Do you know the signs of someone in need? Do you recognize human trafficking when you are face-to-face with someone? GO:61 can provide volunteer training, education, and offer victim services in efforts to end these horrible crimes against humanity.
Local GO:61 representative Tish Gentry spoke about her passion. "I have always had a heart for hurting, young women," she said. "I went to a conference and took a 9 week training and now I want to start a program here in our area. There are many cases of human trafficking right here in our county. We just need to help them spiritually and be an advocate for them."
If you would like to know more about GO:61 click HERE. Their website is GO:61.org

Dexter, Missouri - More than 800 children of all ages were delighted to receive free backpacks full of school supplies from Hope International at their 10th annual Back-to-School Bash at the Bearcat Event Center on Tuesday.
Students were able to get haircuts, dental exams, hearing tests, and eye exams all for free donated by the many businesses in the community. They also had fun in the giant bounce houses set up on one basketball court. There was face painting, balloon animals, lots of free candy and information from various groups and organizations. Students and families were also treated to free popcorn, hotdogs, chips, and soda. Kiger Electric grilled more than 1,300 hotdogs at last count for the event.
What an amazing community effort for our students. It was also good experience for high school students who volunteered to work at many of the booths.
Students came from all over Stoddard County and a few surrounding towns such as Malden, Kennett and Senath. It was a great day and a lot of smiling faces.
This was NOT a low-income only opportunity. They wanted everyone with children to benefit from this event. Getting a child ready to go back to school can be very stressful and hard on a family. They want to make the Back 2 School process a fun and enjoyable day for everyone and it was!