Missouri law enforcement officials issued 1,951 speeding citations as part of a six-state speed enforcement blitz conducted throughout the state from July 21 to July 23.
"Obey the Sign or Pay the Fine" was an intensified effort to crack down on speeding in Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Arkansas and Oklahoma. More than 7,700 speeding tickets were issued in the six states during the three-day enforcement period.
In addition to cracking down on speeding, the effort also resulted in citations for other offenses, such as driving while intoxicated and not wearing seat belts. In Missouri, the results for the "Obey the Sign or Pay the Fine" initiative are as follows:
3,728 Total number of traffic citations issued
316 Total number of seat belt citations issued
1,951 Total number of speed citations issues
2,148 Total number of traffic warnings issued
54 Total DWI arrests and citations
106 Total commercial vehicle citations issued
67 Total commercial vehicle warnings issued
79 Total drug arrests made
213 Felony arrest/other
Law enforcement officials reported 180 crashes in Missouri during the blitz, 33 of which were speed related. In addition, there were seven fatalities on Missouri highways during the three-day speeding crackdown, with one occurring on the routes included in the enforcement effort. Interstates 70, 44, 55, 35 were the primary routes targeted in the initiative because that's where most of the state's speed-related crashes occur.

New Madrid, Missouri - An earthquake shook a few places in and around New Madrid around 12:30 p.m. on Friday, July 21, 2017.
According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the 2.9 magnitude quake hit right along the Missouri-Tennessee border less than a half mile from Point Pleasant in New Madrid County.
There are no reports of damage associated with this quake.

MoDOT is preparing for an influx of people traveling on Missouri highways on August 21st. Missourians will have the chance to experience a total solar eclipse mid-afternoon.
The beginning phase of the eclipse will start at approximately 11:45 a.m. when the moon begins to cross over the sun. The time of the total eclipse, when the moon entirely blocks the sun's bright face, will begin at 1:06 p.m. in St. Joseph and travel diagonally across Missouri to Perryville at 1:21 p.m.
After the brief moments of total eclipse, the moon will move off the sun until it completes the process at approximately 2:45 p.m. The only time you can look directly at the eclipse without eye protection is during the time of totality and only if you are located in the path of totality. Events across the state are planned for this unique astronomical event. An additional 1.2 million people are expected to visit Missouri beginning Aug.18 and leaving most likely by Aug. 22.
Motorists are also advised to expect heavy traffic on Missouri's interstates and all roads inside the area of the total eclipse on Monday, Aug. 21. Extreme congestion is expected once the eclipse passes in the afternoon. Viewers of the eclipse should leave early for their viewing location, stay put and then leave late to avoid the heavy congestion after the total eclipse.
MoDOT has safe driving tips on our website, like: Plan ahead and allow extra travel time to reach your viewing destination. For more safe driving tips click here - http://www.modot.org/eclipse/. For more information on the eclipse, visit the State of Missouri website - https://www.mo.gov/eclipse/. |
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