Dexter, Missouri - Large Garage Sale Friday, July 14, 2017 from 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. at 12040 Southern Breeze Lane in Dexter.
Direction are off Grant Street between Emma and Hidden Meadow lane.
Lots of boutique clothing, shoes, home decor, and exercise equipment. Lots of great deals.
If you would like to advertise your Yard Sale or Garage Sale the cost is only $15.00 for an ad on the ShowMe Times.
Send an email to Dee Loflin at news@showmetimes.com and she will get you an ad out to thousands of people in Stoddard County!

Dexter, Missouri - Edward Jones is a financial services firm focused on meeting the needs of individual investors.
Our Dexter, Missouri branch office has an opening for an entry-level administrative assistant.
Excellent organization, communication skills, and the ability to work independently are required to perform administrative, marketing, and client service responsibilities.
They offer competitive benefits and a comprehensive on-line training program.
To be considered for this position, apply online at www.edwardjones.com/careers position #20817.
Equal Opportunity Employer

Dexter, Missouri - HUGE Moving Sale Friday, July 14, 2017 and Saturday, July 15th from 8:00 a.m. - NOON at 1010 Deana Drive.
Years worth of housewares and decorations for all occasions and holidays! Men and women's clothing, shoes, wall decor, lamps, and pictures. Furniture as well, there's just a little bit of everything priced to sell.
Deana Drive is located off Central Drive near Central Elementary School in Dexter. You can also take West Grant St. and turn south on Anna Drive, then east on Central and a quick turn onto Deana Drive. Click HERE for MAP!
If you would like to advertise your Yard Sale or Garage Sale the cost is only $15.00 for an ad on the ShowMe Times.
Send an email to Dee Loflin at news@showmetimes.com and she will get you an ad out to thousands of people in Stoddard County!