
Russell Wins American Legion Post #59 Gun Raffle
July 07th 2017 by Dee Loflin
Russell Wins American Legion Post #59 Gun Raffle

Dexter, Missouri - The Kenady-Hanks American Legion Post #59 has been working diligently to raise money to purchase a furnace for heating and cooling their post.  They recently sold 350 tickets from May until last night at their regularly scheduled meeting raising about $1,250.00.

There is still more fundraising efforts being discussed as the need for a new air conditioning and heating is of the utmost importance for their building.

Ed Null sold the most tickets of about 250 with the winning ticket going to Jim Russell.

Pictured from left to right are Eric Smith, Post #59 Commander, Les Barker, Services Officer, Russell holding the rifle, and Sherry Whaley, Post #59 First Vice Commander.

Last Updated on July 07th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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