Dexter, Missouri - This is the weekend if you are going to yard sale in the Dexter area! Beginning Thursday, May 25th at 7:00 a.m. - Monday, May 29th there will be an awesome Yard Sale at 17271 Betty Drive.
They will have men's clothing, women's clothing, and teenage girl's clothing. Also sports equipment, furniture, dishes and various household items.
Betty Drive is located just off Highway 25 going south towards Bernie, just outside the city limits of Dexter. Turn west on James Drive, then make a left onto Howard St. Betty Drive is the first street to the right.
If you would like to advertise your yard sale, please call (573) 380-3318. Deadline is Wednesday, NOON each week and the cost is $15 per ad payable to ShowMe Times. Can also be mailed to 140 S. Walnut, Street, Dexter, MO 63841.