Southeast Missouri - Improvements to the Interstate 55/57/U.S. 60 cloverleaf interchange in Sikeston, Mo. will begin Monday, June 5, weather permitting. The interchange is located at mile marker 66. As work is underway, motorists should anticipate various lane and ramp closures.
The ramp from southbound I-55 onto northbound I-57 will be closed, with a signed detour available. The ramp is expected to reopen Monday, Aug. 7, weather permitting.
The ramp from southbound I-57 to southbound I-55 will also be closed, with a signed detour available. The ramp is expected to reopen Monday, Oct. 2, weather permitting.
Lane closures will also be in place. Southbound I-55 will be reduced to one lane with an 11-foot width restriction from mile marker 66.4 to mile marker 60. In addition, westbound U.S. 60/southbound I-57 and eastbound U.S. 60/northbound I-57 will be reduced to one lane with a 14-foot width restriction below the overpass. Completion is anticipated by Monday, Oct. 2, weather permitting.
The work zone will be marked with signs. Motorists are urged to use extreme caution while traveling near the area.