Local Schools

I Dare You Award Recipients at Dexter High School
May 23rd 2017 by Dee Loflin
I Dare You Award Recipients at Dexter High School

Dexter, Missouri - Students at Dexter High School earned several awards at their annual awards assembly held at the Bearcat Event Center.  Among them were the "I Dare You" Awards given to one male and one female student for exemplary good citizenship.

The 2017 Female I Dare You recipient is Jonni Hill.

The 2017 Male I Dare You recipient is Jacob Chamness.

William F. Danforth, founder of Ralston Purina, wrote the book, “I Dare You” from his person experience.  He challenged young students to their highest potential in service and good citizenship.

The Danforth “I Dare You” Award recognizes youth who have an in depth knowledge of the 4-H program.  It is to challenge them to develop their skills for future endeavors through life and most importantly service to others.

Students must be a junior in high school and demonstrate leadership skills and good citizenship at an outstanding level.

Last Updated on May 23rd 2017 by Dee Loflin

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