Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter R-XI School Board met at the regularly scheduled date and time on Tuesday, May 16, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. The next school board meeting will be Tuesday, June 27, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. Below are the minutes from the meeting.
Call to Order/Roll Call/Pledge The Board President announced the meeting is to begin, ascertains the attendance status of all board members with Mr. Jim Reiker and Mr. Kevin Bishop being absent. He then leads in the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Consent Agenda: The Consent Agenda was approved.
Public Comments: There were no public comments made.
Old Business: There was no old business to discuss.
New Business:
A. The board approved the 2017-2018 Professional Development Plan.
B. The board approved changes to Administrative Procedures JED AP-I and JED AP-2.
C. The board approved the 2017-2018 Southwest Elementary Handbook.
D. The board approved the 2017-2018 Central Elementary Handbook.
E. The board approved the 2017-2018 TS Hill Middle School Handbook.
F. The board approved the 2017-2018 High School Handbook.
G. The board approved offering Algebra I at the Middle School for the 2017-2018 School Year.
8. Discussion Items:
The monthly report from High School Nurse, Linda Milam was presented to the board.
The building principals or assistants were present with the exception of the middle school administration. A monthly report of happenings in their buildings was shared. Mr. Kruse provided a report and it was shared by Mrs. James.
The June board meeting was set for Tuesday, June 27, 2017 @ 6:00 p.m.
In Closed Session:
1. The board employed the following coaches/sponsors:
Ms. Kerri Goodman-Co-sponsor for Scholar Bowl
Whitney Tanksley-Co Sponsor for Varsity Football Cheer
Lloyd Hyten as the Assistant HS Boys Basketball Coach
Rob Nichols as the Head MS Boys Basketball Coach
2. The board approved the Assistant HS Boys Basketball Position at 11%.
3. The board approved the following additions to the substitute teacher list: Rickey Byers-Substitute Bus Driver.
4. The board accepted the following resignations and retirements:
April Aldridge-High School Girls Tennis Coach
Kasity Twaddell-Special Services Paraprofessional
Carrie Mosbey-Special Services Paraprofessional
Will Andrews-Bus Mechanic
Retirement of: Alejo Castro-Bus Driver and Mail Delivery
5. The board approved a recommendation to allow paraprofessionals to receive 7 days of holiday pay.
Items presented to the board for informational purposes for future meetings or for discussion include:
Winter/Spring Coaches Evaluations
Update on SCEC Insurance Consortium
Paraprofessional Wages and Classified salary schedules
Administrative Discussion