
Dexter Tourism Committee Needs Your Help - Please Complete the Survey
May 19th 2017 by Dee Loflin
Dexter Tourism Committee Needs Your Help - Please Complete the Survey

Dexter, Missouri - The City of Dexter Tourism Committee has created a SURVEY and would like the public's input. 

The Tourism Committee would like your help in understanding what is needed in the Dexter community and would like to "BRAND" our city.

Branding is when you create a unique name and image for your town and will be used mainly through advertising campaigns to attract people to your area and retain loyal customers using a consistent theme.  What is Dexter's brand?  Complete the survey and let the Tourism Committee know your thoughts and how you see our great city of Dexter.

What Factors Make the city of Dexter great?   Is it the people, the food, the outdoor environments and transit systems, incredible art, or architecture? 

In a hope to build a better tomorrow, the Tourism Committee has been inspired to dig down deep to research the ideas of what are the attractive qualities and virtues of Dexter, Missouri.  So please get involved and complete the survey. Your opinion counts!

The deadline to complete the survey is May 24, 2017 at 5:00 p.m.  It is quick and easy! 

Click HERE to take the City of Dexter Tourism Committee Survey.

Last Updated on May 19th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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