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Complete Results - April 4, 2017 Local Election
April 05th 2017 by Dee Loflin
Complete Results - April 4, 2017 Local Election

Stoddard County, Missouri - The ShowMe Times provided minute by minute coverage of the April 4, 2017 election on Facebook and Twitter as each Stoddard County Ward/Node was counted and reported at the County Clerk's office in Bloomfield.  Below is a complete list of each election both contested and non-contested.  All results are unofficial until they are certified by the county. 

Any candidate who may have won via "write-ins" will be announced once the certification is complete which should be no later than Monday, April 10, 2017.

There are 18,917 registered voters in Stoddard County.  Total ballots cast were 2,858 equaling only 15.11% of the residents voted in this election.

Advance R-4 School Dist Board Members = Total Votes 1,102 - Ronnie Simmons 273, Tom Schmidt 117, Ryan Schrader 276, Nanie Hawkins 213, Jared Lacy 217, Write-In 6.

Bernie R-XIII School Board Members = total Votes 1,086 - Denny Riddle 308, Rick Beaird 340, Waylon Owens 145, Richard Owens 292, Write-In 1.

Dexter R-XI School Dist. Board Members = Total Votes 3,284 - Jason Comfort 540, Kevin Bishop 569, Ben Worley 968, Bud Lawrence 694, Ronald Glaus 501, Write-In 12.

New Madrid Co. R-1 School Board Members = Total Votes 12 - Danny Parker 3, John Palmer 3, Kay Rebstock 2, Renee Banks 3, Scott Riley 1, Write-In 0.

Puxico #8 School Board Members = Total Votes 1,047 - Chad Payne 295, Brian Robison 263, Jeff Hamann 221, J.W. Mattingly 264, Write-In 4.

Twin Rivers #10 School Board Members = Total Votes 3 - David Dugger 1, Robert Thurman 1, Roger Baxter 1, Write-In 0.

Stoddard Co. Ambulance Dist #4 Board Member = Total Votes 433 - Rickey McLean 254, Tim Wheetley 178, Write-In 1.

Dudley Special Road Dist. Board Member = Total Votes 12 - No Candidates - Write-In 12.

Essex Special Road Dist Tax Levy = Total Votes 36 - Yes 15, No 11.

Advance Mayor = Total Votes 263 - Pete Ritter 158, Write-In 105.

Advance Alderman Ward 1 = Total Votes 124 - Jason W. Smith 118, Write-In 6.

Advance Alderman Ward 2 = Total Votes 126 - Tom Schmidt 74, Toby Rodgers 51, Write-In 1.

Bell City Mayor = Total Votes 14 - Howard Pikey 14, Write-In 0.

Bell City Alderman Ward 1 = Total Votes 7 - Cleo Schaefer, Jr. 7, Write-In 0.

Bell City Alderman Ward 2 = Total Votes 8 - Dorothy Burton 7, Write-In 1.

Bernie Tax Collector Vacancy = Total Votes 231 - Karla Appleton 231, Write-In 0.

Bernie Alderman Ward I = Total Votes 37 - Todd Young 37, Write-In 0.

Bernie Alderman Ward II = Total Votes 110 - Tim Gage 53, Marisa Farmer 57, Write-In 0.

Bernie Alderman Ward III = Total Votes 107 - Ivan Mekan 50, Scott Spitzer 57, Write-In 0.

Bloomfield Mayor = Total Votes 102 - Bill Aslin 101, Write-In 0.

Bloomfield Collector = Total Votes 97 - Ruth Ann Wilson 97, Write-In 0.

Bloomfield Alderman Ward I = Total Votes 45 - Bonnie Blue 42, Write-In 3.

Bloomfield Alderman Ward 2 = Total Votes 51 - Frank Sifford 50, Write-In 0.

Dexter Alderman Ward 1 = Total Votes 162 - Terry Battles 162, Write-In 0.

Dexter Alderman Ward 2 = Total Votes 296 - Tim Aslin 296, Write-In 0.

Dexter Alderman Ward 3 = Total Votes 59 - Frank Killian 59, Write-In 0.

Puxico Mayor = Total Votes 104 - Rick McLean 97, Write-In 7.

Puxico Municipal Judge = Total Votes 95 - David Scott DeVaughn 94, Write-In 1.

Puxico Alderman Ward 1 = Total Votes 40 - GS Kilbreath 40, Write-In 0.

Puxico Alderman Ward 2 = Total Votes 13 - No Candidate, Write-In 13.

Village of Penermon Board Member = Total Votes 8 - No Candidate, Write-In 8.

Caster Township Treasurer = Total Votes 218 - Jackie Bradshaw 214, Write-In 4.

Caster Township Clerk = Total Votes 33 - No Candidate, Write-In 33.

Casper Township Board Member = Total Votes 352 - Randall McCollom 167, Steve Larsen 178, Write-In 7.

Castor TWP Road District Tax Levy = Total Votes 277 - Yes 149, No 128.

Liberty Township Treasurer = Total Votes 1,519 - Lana Temples 873, Ed Crow 646, Write-In 0.

Liberty Township Clerk = Total Votes 1,310 - Joy Sills 1,307, Write-In 3.

Liberty Township Board Member = Total Votes 2, 176 - Terry Battles 1,038, Ricky Stearns 1,134, Write-In 4.

New Lisbon TWP Road Dist Tax Levy = Total Votes 57 - Yes 35, No 22.

Last Updated on April 05th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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Mother and Son Missing from Jackson, MO
April 04th 2017 by Dee Loflin
Mother and Son Missing from Jackson, MO

The Jackson Police Department is asking for the public's help to locate a mother and her young son.

According to Sergeant Toby Freeman, Kelli Burnell, 23, and her son Presley Thomas, 4, left their home in Jackson, Missouri  on Monday, April 3rd.

The two of them were headed to a doctor's appointment for Presley in Cape Girardeau, but investigators said they never showed up.

Burnell has not been heard from since around 1 p.m. on April 3, according to Freeman.

Burnell drives a white 2000 Buick Century with Missouri license plates KL6 X6J. The car has a 96.5 sticker on the back window.

If you think you've seen Burnell, her son, Presley, or the car, you are asked to call the Jackson Police Department at 573-243-3151 or your local law enforcement.

Last Updated on April 04th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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Dexter PD Releases Youth Seat Belt Enforcement Results
April 04th 2017 by Dee Loflin
Dexter PD Releases Youth Seat Belt Enforcement Results

Teens Reminded to Buckle Up and Arrive Alive

Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter Police Department participated in the statewide youth seat belt mobilization conducted March 15-31. During the enforcement effort, officers issued a total of 44 traffic tickets including: 19 seat belt tickets; 2 child restraint tickets; 7 speeding tickets; and 21 other traffic violations. 1felony arrests was made as a result of the crackdown.  Officers also recovered a stolen vehicle, made 1 drug arrest and apprehended 1 fugitive.  A total of 78 warnings were issued during traffic stops during this enforcement effort.
“Seat belts are your single best defense in a crash,” stated Chief Stone. “Law enforcement will continue to encourage drivers to make a simple, smart choice to buckle up and Arrive Alive.”

Despite evidence proving the benefits of wearing a seat belt, 33 percent of teens do not buckle up. Eight out of ten Missouri teens killed in traffic crashes are unbuckled.

Buckle Up and Arrive Alive. For information on Missouri seatbelt usage, visit www.saveMOlives.com.

Last Updated on April 04th 2017 by Dee Loflin

Business 60 in Stoddard County Reduced for Pavement Repairs
April 03rd 2017 by Dee Loflin
Business 60 in Stoddard County Reduced for Pavement Repairs
Business 60 in Stoddard County Reduced for Pavement Repairs
Business 60 in Stoddard County will be reduced to one lane as Missouri Department of Transportation crews perform pavement repairs.

This section of roadway is located from Route AD to Two Mile Road.                           

Weather permitting, work will take place Tuesday, April 4 through Thursday, April 6 from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily.

Last Updated on April 03rd 2017 by Dee Loflin

Help Wanted Part-Time Workers
April 03rd 2017 by Dee Loflin
Help Wanted Part-Time Workers

Bloomfield, Missouri - Wanted-Part Time Worker/s

Needed mature responsible punctual adult to care for children and home. 

You must have verifiable work history, personal and prior employment references; also, able to pass multiple background checks, and drug screenings.

Hours based on needs of children; but predominately evenings/weekends although some limited day work on an as needed basis at times.

Applicants must have a valid driver's license, with good driving record and reliable vehicle. 

Must be at least 21 years of age, have a High School Diploma or High School Equivalency (GED). 

Living in Stoddard County is a plus.

Call 573-624-0266 after 12:00 (noon) if possible, leave message if no answer, your call will be returned as soon as possible.

Last Updated on April 03rd 2017 by Dee Loflin

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