Cape Girardeau, Missouri - Southeast Missouri State University has announced its fall 2016 graduates including several from Stoddard County, Missouri.
Billy Anderson of Dexter graduated with a Bachelor of General Studies with a major in general studies.
Brittany Becker of Dexter graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Education with a major in middle school education.
Michael Bowling of Puxico graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science with a major in mass communication advertising option.
Kaleigh Evans of Essex graduated with a Master of Arts with a major in school counseling.
Jamie Manuel of Puxico graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science with a major in agribusiness plant and soil science option.
Kayla McCabe of Advance graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science in Education with a major in elementary education.
Carrie Mosbey of Dexter graduated with a Bachelor of General Studies with a major in general studies.
Amy Sipp of Dexter graduated with a Master of Arts with a major in exceptional child.
Katie Stewart of Bloomfield graduated with a Bachelor of General Studies with a major in general studies.
Leah Stewart of Essex graduated with a Master of Business Administration with a major in health administration.
Lindsey Sullinger of Advance graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science with a major in agribusiness plant sand soil science option.
Sierra Tucker of Essex graduated with a Bachelor of Science with a major in agribusiness, animal science option.
Dr. Willie Redmond, SEMO professor of economics, faculty associate in the Office of the Provost and lead instructor of the Center for Strategic and International Studies course, delivered the address.

Cape Girardeau, Missouri - Southeast Missouri State University has announced its Dean’s List for academic achievement during the fall 2016 semester.
Students named to the list earned at least a 3.75 grade point average on a 4.0 scale, completed at least 12 hours of standard graded credit, achieved no grade below a B and received no failing grades in enrolled, credit/no credit or pass/fail courses.
Advance: Ethan Barr, Macey Cooper, Liza Gray, Kayla McCabe, Amber McFarlin, Heather Meadows, Jami Pobst, Joshua Robison, Victoria Throgmorton, Molly Wiseman, and Grant Woodfin.
Bell City: Lauren Matlock
Bernie: Katelyn Baker, Caleb Ellenburg, and Angelina Gracia Champion.
Bloomfield: Brittany Brown, Whitney Cecil, Morgan Fuwell, Stewart Mayo, Cole McClard, Emily O'Neal, and Sarah Patrick.
Dexter: Will Baker, Brittany Becker, Brandi Bien, Madison Bishop, Kristopher Chamberlain, Bethany Christian, Ashley Cobb, James Deberry, Rhonda Diebold, Brant Garner, Zach Kester, Samantha Kiger, Emily Long, Tanner Mayberry, Nicholas Noble, Zane Olson, Rebecca Sanders, and Holly Shipman.
Essex: Whitney Teeters and Kayla Uhles.
Puxico: Jennifer Bowling, Holly Burns, Samantha Cryts, Chelsea Gillock, Phoenix Horrell, Samantha Lawrence, Anthony Lee, and Hunter Placher.

Cape Girardeau, Missouri - The Southeast Missouri State University football team revealed special new Pink Up jerseys today to be worn during the annual Pink Up game on October 29. The jerseys will be available for purchase through an online auction starting August 12 to raise money for Saint Francis Healthcare System’s Pink Up campaign.
This collaboration, led by head coach Tom “Tuke” Matukewicz, is a way for Southeast football to celebrate survivors and honor those who have lost their battles with cancer.
The special jerseys will be worn during the Redhawks’ Pink Up game on October 29 against Austin Peay University. Bidding opens August 12 at www.pinkupcape.com. After the auction closes at 5 pm on October 8, the winners will personalize their winning jerseys with a name in honor or memory of a survivor or loved one, if desired. After the game on October 29, the game-worn jerseys will be presented to the winning bidders. The winners will also receive two game tickets and an invitation to a pre-game tailgate party – all in honor and support of Pink Up.
“We are thrilled to join Saint Francis to help make a difference in this community,” said Matukewicz. “We hope this effort raises awareness and money to fight this terrible disease. This will be a life changing experience for our players, who will have the opportunity to meet families that have lost loved ones to cancer.”
Saint Francis launched Pink Up in 2010 to raise awareness of breast cancer in the community. During the campaign, residents are encouraged to “pink up” their homes, businesses and schools in support of the cause. Pink Up proceeds provide free mammograms and other cancer support services to local residents who otherwise could not afford them.
Last year’s jersey auction raised $22,000. All 99 jerseys were auctioned off.
“You would be hard-pressed to find another region our size that embraces any program the way we have all embraced Pink Up,” said Jimmy Wilferth, executive director of the Saint Francis Foundation, at the auction announcement. “Our local businesses and schools relentlessly support this cause, and each year it gets bigger and better – and that means more help for our community.”
Since its inception, Pink Up and Dig for Life have provided more than 3,200 free mammograms to community women who could not otherwise afford them. Breast cancer affects one in eight women but by catching it early through important screenings such as mammograms, we have a better chance of beating this disease.
Please visit www.pinkupcape.com or call 573-331-5133 to learn more or to donate to the cause.
Saint Francis Medical Center is a 289-bed facility serving more than 713,000 people throughout Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee and Arkansas. Guided by its mission to provide a ministry of healing and wellness inspired by its Christian philosophy and values, the Medical Center has become a progressive, innovative regional tertiary care referral center. Saint Francis’ major service lines, which have received national recognition, include the Neurosciences Institute; Orthopedic Institute; Family BirthPlace, featuring the region’s first Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit; Heart Hospital; Emergency and Level III Trauma Center; Cancer Institute; and Fitness Plus.
Pictured is Southeast Football head coach Tom “Tuke” Matukewicz revealing the 2016 Pink Up game jerseys to the Redhawks football team on August 11. The jerseys will be auctioned off and personalized with the winners’ names then worn during a special Pink Up game on October 29. Proceeds from the auction benefit Saint Francis Healthcare System’s Dig for Life fund to provide lifesaving screenings and other cancer services to local residents who otherwise could not afford them. The auction is online through October 8 at www.pinkupcape.com.

Cape Girardeau, Missouri - For the fall 2015 and spring 2016 academic year, Southeast Missouri State University is closing Cheney Hall, a residence hall on the Southeast campus.
The closing of this building, at the corner of Cheney Drive and North Henderson Street, is necessary to examine and make structural and infrastructure repairs.
Over the past year, the University, working with outside engineering and architect professionals, has been examining the maintenance needs for multiple facilities across the Southeast campus, University officials said. These efforts have provided opportunities for the campus to plan ahead for future repairs to various academic and non-academic facilities. Cheney Hall is one of the buildings the University has previously identified as a building in need of future renovation for its continued use as a residence hall.
Previous plans had called for Cheney Hall to be open for residence hall students during this year, however, recent assessments of the building have demonstrated a need to consider structural repairs in the coming year, according to Angela Meyer, director of Facilities Management.
A combination of events over the past year, including recent heavy rains, has resulted in some settling of the building foundation and stair-stepped cracking of the northwest corner of the building.
“In order to fully investigate and determine the cause of the movement, the University has made the decision to begin a full structural analysis which may involve soil borings and/or excavation followed by a structural evaluation by a consultant,” Meyer said. “The goal is to stabilize the structure and ensure that the facility can be brought back on-line for future use.”
The work needed to complete structural and other infrastructure repairs will be very disruptive to the building.
“To provide our students the best on-campus living experience, the campus is closing this building for this coming academic year,” she said.
Cheney Hall has been a landmark on the Southeast campus for more than 75 years. Dr. Kendra Skinner, director of the Office of Residence Life, noted, “Students enjoy the on-campus living experience, and Cheney Hall has been part of this experience for more than half a century. While we wish we could have the building open for the coming year, we need to take action now to repair the building and to find the impacted students other places on campus to live this year.”
During this closure, 85 students who were planning to reside in Cheney Hall are being provided other residence hall spaces on the Southeast campus for the academic year. Students who were planning to live in Cheney Hall will be provided alternate campus housing at the same room rate in other residence halls on the Southeast campus, Skinner said. The Office of Residence Life is working with the impacted students to change their room assignments before students return to the Southeast campus on Aug. 20. Additional information for students impacted by this closure is available through the Office of Residence Life at 573.651.2274 or ORL@semo.edu.

Cape Girardeau, Missouri - A new era of leadership begins at Southeast Missouri State University today as Dr. Carlos Vargas takes the reins as the 18th president of the University.
“I am very proud to have been selected as the 18th president of the University,” Vargas said. “I am eager … to live up to the expectations of the students, the staff and the faculty of the institution.”
Vargas will hit the ground running with his first day spent with the University’s executive staff who will brief him on numerous University initiatives. During the next couple of weeks, he also will meet with Interim Provost Dr. Gerald McDougall, members of the Board of Regents and Student Government President Peter Jacobsen. He also plans on attending divisional retreats throughout the summer.
“I want everybody to know that I am going to do my absolute best and I am going to work very hard to make sure this institution continues on the path that it has been for a long time. I just want to make sure that we do whatever it takes to help the students be successful.”
Vargas’ presidency at Southeast culminates a comprehensive and wide-ranging search process that began following the announcement in September 2014 that President Kenneth W. Dobbins would retire effective June 30, 2015.
The Southeast Board of Regents announced the appointment of Vargas on March 4. Vargas has been serving as acting president at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania since last July. He previously served as the provost and vice president for academic and student affairs, and had been the school’s chief academic officer since 2006. For more information on President Vargas’ career in higher education, visit http://www.semo.edu/president/about.html.
Southeast also welcomes Vargas’ wife, Dr. Pamela Vargas, who begins her new duties today as the director of the Office of Research and Grant Development on campus. She has served as executive director of the Kutztown University Research Center since 2006. She previously served as the director of Sponsored Programs in the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs and the Graduate School of Engineering and Management at the Air Force Institute of Technology. She also has served as the director and in several other capacities with The Graduate School, Office of Research with the University of Notre Dame.
President and Mrs. Vargas – the campus welcomes you and wishes you much success here at Southeast Missouri State University!