Local Schools

Central Elementary School Marks 25th Anniversary
March 29th 2017 by Dee Loflin
Central Elementary School Marks 25th Anniversary

Dexter, Missouri - Central Elementary houses grades three through five in Dexter.  On March 9, 2017 the school celebrated their 25th Anniversary.  Among those who gathered in the library were staff back in 1992.

Shown in the photo from left to right are Carol Dean, Nancy Mayer, Chris Hillis, Herman Morse, Kim Fitts, Dr. Ray Dowdy, Teresa Overall, Kendra Ward, and Marty Thompson.  Of the group pictured only Kendra Ward remains teaching at the school.  The group is pictured with a framed photo taken on March 9, 1992, opening day, by local photographer Joe Craig.

Last Updated on March 29th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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