Local News
Yard Sale - 1802 E. Stoddard St. Dexter
March 01st 2017 by Dee Loflin

Dexter, Missouri - Yard Sale season is upon us. Get your inspiration just in time for the weekend!
Thursday, March 2nd, Friday, March 3rd, and Saturday, March 4th from 7 a.m. - ? at 1802 E. Stoddard St. in Dexter.
Lots to see! Tools, Miscellaneous Items, clothes, crafts, exercise bike, and workout bike, plus much much more! They cleaned out two storage sheds!!
If you want to advertise your Yard Sale on the ShowMe Times and share it to Facebook call (573) 624-7469 or drop off a check in the amount of $15 and all the information at 140 S. Walnut St. by 5:00 p.m. each Tuesday.
Last Updated on March 01st 2017 by Dee Loflin