Dexter, Missouri - The ShowMe Times Dexter Sports Spotlight shines on Caroline Powers.
Caroline Powers is the daughter of Chuck and Felicia Powers and is a senior at Dexter High School.
She is a member of the honor choir, football cheerleader, and Kickin' Cats Dance Team all four years of high school.
She is has been FCCLA President for the past two years. She is a Sr. Beta Executive Board Member and is active in SEMO Showstoppers, Student Council, Drama Club, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and National Honor Society.
Her future plans are to attend college and major in Broadcast Journalism.
Dexter, Missouri - The ShowMe Times Dexter Sports Spotlight shines on Macy Graves.
Macy Graves is the daughter of Chris Graves and Brad and Michelle Kirkley.
Her grandma is Vavdean Gimlin.
She was a football cheerleader her sophomore year and a basketball cheerleader all four years of high school.
She is an active member of Teens Against Smoking Coalition, Future Farmers of America, Future Teachers of America, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Student Council, Sr. Beta Club, Top 10%, and the National Honor Society.
Her future plans are to attend Arkansas State University and pursue a degree in International Business. She is on a pre-law tract.
Dexter, Missouri - The ShowMe Times Dexter Sports Spotlight shines on Meg Simmons.
Meg is the daughter of Jonathan and Lara Simmons. She is a junior at Dexter High School.
Her grandparents are Patricia Baldwin of Dexter and Katie and Tony Hicks of Bernie.
She has been a member of Sr. Beta Club and Rotary Interact for one year and is also a Top 10% student.
Her hobbies include dancing, singing, and playing the piano. Meg has participated on the Kickin' Cats Dance Team.
She attends Bernie Church of Christ and is a member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
Meg has been in the Dexter Honors Choir for three years and Show Stoppers of Southeast Missouri for two years.
She made All State Choir 2nd Alternate and received two one ratings at State Choir.
She has made All District Choir four years in a row.
Her future plans are to attend Harding University and major in music education with a minor in percussion.

Dexter, Missouri - The ShowMe Times Dexter Sports Spotlight shines on Bailee Williams.
Bailee is the daughter of Steve and Casey Williams. She is a junior at Dexter High School.
She is the granddaughter of Cecily Harper.
She has been a member of Student council for three years, Future Business Leaders of America for one year, Future Teachers of America for one year and Sr. Beta for one year.
Williams received Academic All State in 2015.
In volleyball she made 1st Team All-District 1st Team All-Region, 2nd Team All-Conference most assist (680).
She enjoys hanging out with friends and has participated in volleyball and basketball cheerleading at Dexter.
She attends Liberty Hill Church and is a member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
Her plans after graduation are to attend Missouri State University and major in sports physical therapy.

Dexter, Missouri - The ShowMe Times Dexter Sports Spotlight shines on Jackie Kiger.
Jackie is a member of the Kickin' Cats Dance Team and is a senior at the Dexter High School.
She is the daughter of Jerry and Karen Kiger. Her grandparents are Don and Peggy Davis of Dexter, Missouri, and Robert Kiger of Dexter, Missouri.
Kiger has been active in DECA for two years, Student Council for four years, Beta for two years, Dexter Honors Society for one year, and National Honors Society for one year.
Jackie is the treasurer of DECA. She has lettered in football cheer four years, Kickin Cats Dance Team four years, and Track and Field three years.
She enjoys hunting and has participated in football cheerleading and track.
She attends First Baptist Church.
Her future plans are to go to Southeast Missouri State University and receive a degree in early childhood education.