Dexter, Missouri - Southwest Elementary honored two students with Positive Bus Referral certificates.
Each student received a certificate and a free gift certificate for a taco from Taco Bell.
Shown in the photo are from left to right: Langston Werneck and Shae Renfro

Dexter, Missouri - Southwest Elementary honors students with Positive Office Referral certificates.
This award is presented to students who consistently show the 3R's RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and READY TO LEARN at Southwest Elementary in Dexter.
Each student received a certificate and a FREE Taco from Taco Bell.
Shown in the photo back row from left to right: Elyzabeth Robison, McKendree Neuhaus, Hadley Walton, and Aubree Hon. Front row: Lily Bryant, Lily Graviett, Nicole Johnson

Dexter, Missouri - The 2017 Winter Sports Senior Night was held on Friday, February 10th at the Bearcat Event Center.
Ryan Mayo is the son of Roger and Melissa Mayo.
He was a member of the baseball team his freshman year and played basketball all four years of high school.
Ryan is also an active member in Sr. Beta and Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
His future plans are to attend Lineman's School in the fall.

Dexter, Missouri - The 2017 Winter Sports Senior Night was held on Friday, February 10th at the Bearcat Event Center.
Jason Jarrell is the son of Denny and Paula Jarrell.
He has been a member of the football, basketball, and baseball teams all four years of high school.
Jason is an active member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Sr. Beta, Future Business Leaders of America, Student Council, Top 10% and the National Honor Society.
His future plans are to attend college next year, but is undecided as to which college or major.

Dexter, Missouri - The 2017 Winter Sports Senior Night was held on Friday, February 10th at the Bearcat Event Center.
Ashlynn Wyman is the daughter of Steve and Jana Wyman.
She has been a member of the honors choir all four year, volleyball team all four years, and the basketball cheer team all four years.
Ashlynn is the senior student body president. Sr. Beta President, Fellowship of Christian Athletes Captain, and Future Farmers of America Secretary. She is also active in Model UN, Student Council, Future Teachers of America, Teens Against Smoking Coalition, top 10%, and the National Honor Society.
Her future plans are to attend Missouri State University.