Bloomfield, Missouri - The Bloomfield Project Prom is sponsoring a Father/Daughter & Mother/Son I Love You to the Moon & Back Valentine's Dance on Saturday, February 11, 2017 from 6:30 p.m. - 8;00 p.m. in the Bloomfield FEMA Building.
This dance is for children up through 5th grade and their parents. Children may be escorted by a grandparent, guardian or other adult role model.
Cost is $20 per couple (1 adult and 1 child). A second child may be added for $10.
Dress is Sunday best.
Join them for an evening of music, refreshments, and fun!
All proceeds will go to Bloomfield Project Prom 2017.

Essex, Missouri - Richland R-1 School’s yearbook program recently received three top level photography awards during the International Quill & Scroll Yearbook Excellence Contest.
Drew Hickson, left, who graduated in May 2016, brought home the Sweepstakes award for the Sports Action Photo, Division B category and sophomore Emily Blunt, right, also received a Sweepstakes award for her shot in the Clubs or Organizations Photo, Division B.
The Sweepstakes award is the top over all winner in a division for a Quill & Scroll contest. In the middle, Editor-in-Chief Katie Pinkley shows off The Blue and Gold Comprehensive Visuals Award the staff received for their overall photo work in their 2016 yearbook.
The Blue and Gold Staff Excellence Award is the highest achievement a staff can receive in the International Quill & Scroll Yearbook Excellence Contest.
Article and Photo by Kyle Carter / Richland Schools

Dexter, Missouri - The Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is sponsoring "Dime Wars" between the high school classes to raise money for March of Dimes.
Let's help FBLA students and their classes by supporting them with DIMES! Cash in your dollars and send with a high school student. It's a great fundraiser for the March of Dimes. Business in Dexter can participate by collecting DIMES all week. You can divide your donation by 4 and donate directly to the FBLA group.
The winning class at Dexter High School will get "Baby Ruth" candy bars.
March of Dimes is about helping babies, so start saving your DIMES!
Donations will be taken to the library the week of Monday, February 6th - Friday, February 10th.
Faculty who want to wear jean need to get their $10 Dime Donation to Mrs. Guy as soon as possible.
"The mission of the March of Dimes is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality." For more information about the March of Dimes click HERE.

Bell City, Missouri - McKayla Hunt has been awarded a scholarship to attend Southeast Missouri State University - Cape Girardeau, Missouri for the 2017 - 2018 academic year.
Hunt has received the University Scholarship and Residence Life Leadership Award.
She is currently a senior at Bell City High School and is the daughter of Kevin and Stacey Hunt. He will graduate in May of 2017 from Bell City R-II High School.

Dexter, Missouri - Seventh and eight grade students from T.S. Hill Middle School will be competing in the Regional Science Fair on March 7, 2017.
Students were able to display their projects for family and friends in the middle school cafeteria last week. Winning entries were selected to compete at the Show Me Center on the campus of Southeast Missouri State University - Cape Girardeau in the annual Regional Science Fair.
The students are under the direction of Cacie Ramsey in eighth grade and Kristin Miller at the seventh grade level.
Local winners at the 7th grade level are:
Chemistry: 1st Place - Aeriel Coyer, 2nd Place - Andie Kruse, Honor Mention - Alex Dugan
Life Science: 1st Place - Lydia Bishop, 2nd Place - Abby Dement,
Earth Science: 1st Place - Annie Banken
Physical Science: 1st Place - Baily Whitaker, 2nd Place - Camden Riley, 3rd Place - Mia Williams, Honorable Mention - Gerica Harris, Honorable Mention - Rachel Lin
Local Winners at the 8th grade level are:
Chemistry/Physics: 1st Place - Tara Williams, 2nd Place - Riley Slusher, 3rd Place - Sydney Asberry and Chloe Thurmon
Life Science: 1st Place - Ryder Boles and Gavin Cartwright, 2nd Place - Austin Daniels, 3rd Place - Courtney Northcutt and Andrew Ellinghouse
Psychology: 1st Place - Bailey Chamberlain and Shelby Bishop, 2nd Place - Layne Medler, 3rd Place - McKayla Annesser