Local Schools

Richland Students Earn Photography Awards
February 03rd 2017 by Dee Loflin
Richland Students Earn Photography Awards

Essex, Missouri - Richland R-1 School’s yearbook program recently received three top level photography awards during the International Quill & Scroll Yearbook Excellence Contest.

Drew Hickson, left, who graduated in May 2016, brought home the Sweepstakes award for the Sports Action Photo, Division B category and sophomore Emily Blunt, right, also received a Sweepstakes award for her shot in the Clubs or Organizations Photo, Division B.

The Sweepstakes award is the top over all winner in a division for a Quill & Scroll contest. In the middle, Editor-in-Chief Katie Pinkley shows off The Blue and Gold Comprehensive Visuals Award the staff received for their overall photo work in their 2016 yearbook.

The Blue and Gold Staff Excellence Award is the highest achievement a staff can receive in the International Quill & Scroll Yearbook Excellence Contest.

Article and Photo by Kyle Carter / Richland Schools

Last Updated on February 03rd 2017 by Dee Loflin

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