
2016 Chamber of Commerce Educator of the Year
January 31st 2017 by Dee Loflin
2016 Chamber of Commerce Educator of the Year

Dexter, Missouri - the 2016 Educator of the Year was named at the Dexter Chamber of Commerce annual awards banquet on Saturday, January 28, 2017.

“As a Dexter school board member, this is one of my favorite awards to present,” commented Kevin Bishop.  “The educators in our school district go above and beyond for their students.  The nominations from students, co-workers, and former co-workers made this educator stand out.”

“One parent said it is scary to send her child to school that is non-verbal and unable to communicate with other, but this educator was always there for him and made sure he had plenty of interaction with others and taught him to feel at ease while at school."

"A co-worker said she always goes above and beyond for her students," continued Bishop.  "She is constantly researching the best ways to teach children with autism and developmental delays.  She has a good rapport with her 19 children's parents and always makes sure her two aids are the best they can be."

"A former co-worker said if she was still teaching she would want to be her when she grows up but wishes she could have been ahlf the teacher this educator is now."

She has a lot of support from her husband and young children.  they know what a taxing day she may have had and are always there to help with household needs. She has been in Early Childhood position for only two years and was previously a kindergarten teacher this 2016 Educator of the Year is making an impact.

The 2016 Chamber of Commerce Educator of the Year is Mrs. Katrina Prance.

Tila Hubrecht, 151st State Representative and Billy Pat Wright, Field Representative for Senator Doug Libla were also on hand to present Missouri House and Senate Resolutions.

Shown in the photo from left to right are: Tila Hubrecht, 151st State Representative,  Billy Pat Wright, Field Representative to Senator Doug Libla, Kevin Bishop, Dexter School Board Member, Katrina Prance, Educator of the Year, and Hillary Starnes, Executive Director Chamber of Commerce.

Last Updated on January 31st 2017 by Dee Loflin

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