Dexter, Missouri - The annual Snowflake Pageant is set for Sunday, February 12, 2017 at the Dexter High School Auditorium.
The Historic Downtown Dexter Association will again sponsor a series of beauty pageants. Pageant wear is preferred in all categories. A queen and two attendants will be selected in each group. Queens will receive a crown and trophy. Attendants will receive a trophy.
Pageants begin at 1:00 p.m. and run in category order with each pageant running consecutively.
Categories are:
Baby Miss Snowflake ages 0 - 11 months Entry Fee $20
Wee Miss Snowflake Ages 12 - 23 months Entry Fee $20
Tiny Miss Snowflake Ages 2 - 3 years Entry Fee $20
Little Miss Snowflake Ages 4 - 6 years Entry Fee $20
Petite Miss Snowflake Ages 7 - 9 years Entry Fee $20
Preteen Miss Snowflake Ages 10 - 12 years Entry Fee $20
Jr. Miss Snowflake Ages 13 - 15 years Entry Fee $25
Miss Snowflake Ages 16 - 21 years Entry Fee $25
Deadline to enter is Friday, February 3, 2017 by 5:00 p.m. Late entries after the deadline will be accepted with an additional $5.00 charge. Entry forms may be obtained from Peggy Arks (573) 624-3032, Alisha Trammell (573) 421-1407, or at the Dexter Chamber of Commerce. Please make checks payable to HDDA. Entry forms may be dropped off or mailed to The Bunny Patch, 1 North Walnut, Dexter, MO 63841.