Bernie, Missouri - The Dexter Elks December Students of the Month are Logan Asher and Madissen Corbin of Bernie High School. Both are seniors and will graduate in May 2017
Larry White, Dexter Elks Lodge member, presented certificates and $50 checks for Savings Bonds to Logan and Madissen.
Logan is the son of Aaron Asher and Stephanie Miller.
Madissen is the daughter of Kevin and Karen Corbin.
Logan and Madissen are competing with honorees from the other Stoddard County schools for the Dexter Elks Students of the Year.
Both students, along with their parents and counselor, Lisa Henry, will be honored with a banquet to be held at the Dexter Elks Lodge later next spring. The Elks Students of the Year will be announced at the spring banquet.

Bernie, Missouri - Lari Spitzer, daughter of Kevin and Lisa Spitzer of Bernie, was recognized at the annual Southeast Missouri State University Scholarship Reception held on November 4th at the Show Me Center in Cape Girardeau.
More than 600 people attended the recognition event where more than 400 scholarship recipients were recognized for outstanding academic records, leadership, and/or athletic success.
Spitzer, a junior in early childhood education, was recognized as a recipient of the James M. and Joyce Petty Overby Family Scholarship, a scholarship endowed by former Bernie residents.
Joyce Overby and one of her three daughters, Diane Overby Sides, were on hand to congratulate Spitzer.
Spitzer is a 2015 graduate of Bernie High School and was active in Sr. Beta Club, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Pep Club, and was also on the Academic Team and Publications. She was a member of the varsity softball team and varsity cheer.
This is the second year Sitzer has been awarded the Overby Family Scholarship.
Shown in the provided photo are from left to right: Joyce Overby, Diane Overby Sides, Lari Spitzer, and Dr. Carlos Vargas, President of Southeast Missouri State University.

Bernie, Missouri - Both kindergarten classrooms of Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Galloway have spent the past few months learning about plants during science class.
Through the donations of many community members, the students have been able to learn hands on about pumpkins, gourds, cotton, corn, and sunflowers.
Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Galloway would like to extend their thanks to the following businesses: Melissa and Jason Shelton, Allen Below Farms and Tatum Stone, and Dustin Neeley Farms

Bernie, Missouri - The Bernie High School Student Council will host a Halloween Costume Contest for grades 7th -12th on Monday, October 31st.
Awards will be given in the following categories:
• Most Creative
• Best Couple
• Best Group (3+)
• Best Faculty Costume
• Most Authentic
• Cutest Costume
• Funniest Costume
All costumes must follow the school dress code. Clown costumes, masks, full face paint, and blood/gore are prohibited. Don't forget, this is a Clash of the Classes competition. Please see Mrs. Bates if you have any questions.

Bernie, Missouri - It's Red Ribbon Week at Bernie High School. They will celebrate Monday, October 24th - Friday, October 28th.
Red Ribbon Week is a drug, alcohol and tobacco prevention awareness campaign!
The activities will be:
Monday- Hat day "Hats off to Drugs"
Tuesday- Super Hero day " Superheros Have the POWER to SAY NO to Drugs"
Wednesday-Pajama day "Follow Your DREAMS, Be Drug Free"
Thursday- Camouflage and boots day "Join the Fight against Drugs"
Friday- Team Spirit day "TEAM Up Against Drugs"
Make sure that you follow the dress code that is in your student handbook. If you have any questions please ask Ms. Henry or Mr. McKinnis.