Devin Busby Charity Challenge Quite Successful
Malden, Missouri - The winner of the $1,342.26 donation from the Devin Busby Charity Challenge is Hope International!
Busby is a Risk Advisor and Master Farm Insurance Agent at the Byrum, Culp, Davis & Dell Insurance Agency in Malden.
"To everyone that had a hand in this, I really appreciate it and I can't tell you how appreciative Hope International was to receive the donation," stated Busby. "I can promise you the money you donated will go to good use in helping children and families. Also a big thank you to the other two charities who participated - Bootheel Youth Museum & Delta Children's Home."
A REMARKABLE fact on Hope International for the year 2016 alone: They fed 170,072 people, clothed 687 families, supplied furniture to 338 families, assisted in three major disasters, sent 33,000 pounds of clothes to Haiti, supplied 600 kids with school supplies, raised $5,000 for the Barnes family, along with touching lives every single day! Truly amazing!
If you would ever like to make a donation to Hope International you can contact Kristin Stevens, Gale 'N Heather Jordan, or go to the Bernie/Kennett location. Your donation WILL make a difference!
Date: December 21st 2016