Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter School Board met on Thursday, December 15th for their December board meeting.
Call to Order/Roll Call/Pledge The Board President announced the meeting is to begin, ascertains the attendance status of all board members with Mr. Bob Thrower being absent, and leads in the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Consent Agenda: The Consent Agenda was approved.
Public Comments: Mrs. Hahn-CTA Advisory Representative, spoke with the board about the advisory committee meetings held with administration.
Old Business:
A. No old business was discussed.
New Business:
A. The board approved a transfer from fund 1 to fund 2 to eliminate any negative balances in fund 2.
B. The board approved the MSBA policy agreement and invoice, in the amount of $3,665.00.
The board approved the 2017 diesel quote from Delta Growers for $2.085/gallon.
Discussion Items:
Board filings opened on December 13th and will close on January 17th. Three positions for three year terms will be open. Election day is April 4, 2017.
The staff appreciation breakfast was held on November 18th. It was well attended and appreciated. Thank you to our administration for preparation of the meal.
The Backpack for Friday Program was discussed. This program runs in conjunction with the SEMO Food Bank. It is designed to help families supplement their pantries on the weekends. Southwest and Central will be participating. We are able to offer this program due to the generosity of community families and local organizations. Amber Nea and Starla Pulley will serve as building coordinators.
The board was provided information on the process for developing the 2017-2018 calendar. The Calendar Committee met on December 14th. The committee is working on drafting two calendars. These calendars will be submitted to the district for a vote. The calendar with the majority vote will be presented to the board in January, for approval.
Information was presented to the board on transitioning from Industrial Arts courses to Skilled Technical Science courses. By making this transition, this the district would be eligible for a larger number of 50/50 grants and 75/25 grants. Students wanting to pursue vocational school after graduation or enter the workforce would benefit. We would also be able to achieve a greater number of points in the high school, on career and college readiness.
Mr. Miller discussed information with the board on our current bus fleet. As an option for future planning, he provided them with details on bus leasing. This information was obtained from Midwest Transit.
Mrs. Dewitt was present and gave a building report to the board. Other administrators were attending activities for their buildings and their reports were shared with the board.
The next scheduled board meeting was set for January 17, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.
In Closed Session:
The board approved the following additions to the Substitute
The board approved the following additions to the Substitute Bus Driver List: Barbara Hurley.
The board accepted a retirement letter from High School Math Teacher, Michelle Kirkley.
The board accepted resignation letters from Southwest Paraprofessionals, Kim Crumley and Molly Propst.
Evaluations of fall coaches in the MS were discussed with the board.
Board Member, Bob Thrower arrived at the meeting
The board discussed an Activities/Athletic Director position for the 2017-2018 school year.
The Interim Superintendent’s evaluation was given to the board which will be discussed during the January meeting.

Dexter, Missouri - Southwest Elementary honors Veer Maisuria, Victoria Hernandez, Annslee Ackman, Mollie McFarlen, Melody Jarrell, Seth Rowland, Dawson Carnell, Connor Hankins, Will Guethle, Tristan Petzoldt, Lily Bryant, and Ada Jarrell. with the Positive Office Referral certificate.
This award is presented to students who consistently show the 3R's RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and READY TO LEARN at Southwest Elementary in Dexter.
Shown in the photo back row from left to right: Dawson Carnell, Connor Hankins, Will Guethle, Tristan Petzoldt, Lily Bryant, Ada Jarrell.
Front row from left to right: Veer Maisuria, Victoria Hernandez, Annslee Ackman, Mollie, McFarlen, Melody Jarrell, Seth Rowland,

Dexter, Missouri - Southwest Elementary held an UGLY SWEATER contest prior to Dexter Public Schools dismissing for the holidays.
Three categories of Most Festive, Most Creative and Ugliest Sweater were chosen for each grade.
Second grade student winners are Brenner Collier for Most Festive, Tristan Petzoldt for Most Creative and Quincy McLaughlin for Ugliest Sweater.
Shown in the photo from left to right are Brenner Collier, Tristan Petzoldt, and Quincy McLaughlin.

Dexter, Missouri - Southwest Elementary held an UGLY SWEATER contest prior to Dexter Public Schools dismissing for the holidays.
Three categories of Most Festive, Most Creative and Ugliest Sweater were chosen for each grade.
First grade student winners are Gavin Drake for Ugliest Sweater, Sophia Wunderlich for Most Festive Sweater, and Lily Graviett for Most Creative Sweater.
Shown in the photo are from left to right: Gavin Drake, Sophia Wunderlich, and Lily Graviett.

Dexter, Missouri - Southwest Elementary held an UGLY SWEATER contest prior to Dexter Public Schools dismissing for the holidays.
Three categories of Most Festive, Most Creative and Ugliest Sweater were chosen for each grade.
Kindergarten winners are: Anthony Fina Lara for Most Festive Sweater, Kennedy Essner for Most Creative Sweater and Zane Ruppell for Ugliest Sweater.