Dexter, Missouri - Each year the Stuff A Bus campaign brings joy and much needed foods for the elderly and those who are struggling to pay bills and buy food. The students love collecting the non-perishable foods and delivering a "bus" full to the Stoddard County Gospel Mission.
Last year nearly 18,000 canned and non-perishable food items were collected at Dexter Schools. They set a new record and it is their hope to set another new record this year.
While shopping this week, please pick up an extra case or a few cans of vegetables and send them with your student by Friday, December 9, 2016. Each building is competing to see who collects the most food. Williams Moving will provide the truck to haul the food to the Mission and hopefully there will be a cookie party for the winning school building.
"This is our 5th year of collecting for the Stoddard County Gospel Mission," stated Judy Patterson, freshman/junior high school counselor. "It's my last one as I am retiring at the end of the 2017 school year. I just hope we break another record."
The High School initiated the competition between the schools five years ago to help the local Mission with food for the holidays.
Southwest Elementary, Central Elementary, T.S. Hill Middle School and the Dexter Senior High School will all be competing for delicious treats! The school that brings in the most cans will receive home-made cookies from OPAA, their food service company!
Items needed for the Stoddard County Gospel Mission are dry goods and canned goods such as pasta, spaghetti, canned vegetables and fruits, mac & cheese, cookies, crackers, peanut butter, and any item that is non-perishable.
Throughout the Christmas Season people come together and realize how fortunate they are and also how some families are in great need this time of year. The Stuff A Bus event was such a great hit the past four years they hope to continue to participate for many years to come to help those in Stoddard County.
We should feel very proud to live in such a community that is always willing to give back any chance we can. We hope to see the Stuff A Bus event continue to positively affect many families for as long as possible.
Shown in the photo representing Central Elementary are from left to right: Jake Pain, Ryan Goode, Maddi Sutton, and Avery Ackman.

Columbia, Missouri - Emily Johns had the honors of earning 4th Chair French Horn at the 2016 - 2017 Missouri All-State Concert Band auditions in Columbia, Missouri on Saturday, December 3, 2016.
Only 8 French Horns and 2 alternates were accepted to this prestigious ensemble. The Missouri Music Educators Association in cooperation with the Missouri Bandmasters Association, Missouri Association for Jazz Education, American String Teachers Association, and the American Choral Directors Association will present an All-Festival Concert at Tan-Tar-A Resort in January 2017.
Emily is the daughter of Kevin and Janet Johns and is a senior at Dexter High School.
She earned Honorable Mention at State her sophomore and junior years in high school.
"It has been a goal of mine to finally make the All-State Band," commented Johns. "I have been playing the French Horn for about 6 1/2 years now and I practice about 1 to 1 1/2 hours a day."

Dexter, Missouri - The Second grade classes of Mrs. Boyer, Mrs. Massey, Mrs. Mick, and Mrs. Nelson along with Mrs. Amber Duley, the Music Director of Southwest Elementary will provide an evening of entertainment.
It's "A Rollicking Musical for Young Voices" by Teresa Jennings and Karl Hitzemann. They perform at Southwest Elementary on Monday, November 21, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the gym. This even is open to the public! Everyone is encouraged to attend.
A special performance was held today at 2:00 p.m. for the students at Southwest Elementary and teachers. Photos can be seen on the ShowMe Times Facebook page.
Songs are "Hola From Pinataville, Arrr!, What Should We Do?, Pepper Music, Forgiveness Is the Treasure We Seek, and Jolly Fiesta!"
Special thanks to Gabe Greer - Assistant Director and Lighting Technician, High School Cadets - John Smith, Blyne Goodman, and Haley Cornett, Pirate Ship Construction was made possible by David and Melissa Petzoldt, First Baptist Church of Dexter, Dexter Music Center, and Parents Teacher Organization.

Dexter, Missouri - Many people were talking about a potential threat to our children attending Dexter public schools today. Amy James has issued a SchoolReach text alert and sent the ShowMe Times information to share with the public. Thank you for all your concerns today! Safety of our students is a priority!
"As many of you know accusations of threats towards our school circulated on social media over the weekend."
"Please be aware, an investigation has been conducted by our high school administration, the juvenile authorities, and the Dexter Police Department. There is currently no threat to our students or staff at this time. School is being conducted as normal. The safety of our students and staff is our utmost priority."
Thank you,
Amy James
Director of Special Services
Director of Federal Programs
District Compliance Officer
Dexter R-XI School District
If you see a school or student threat on Social Media please contact your local police department. Save the image so the police may track it down.

Dexter, Missouri - Amy James, Director of Special Services, Director of Federal Programs, District Compliance Officer submitted the Regular Board Meeting Minutes from the board meeting held on Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.
Call to Order/Roll Call/Pledge: The Board President announced the meeting is to begin, ascertains the attendance status of all board members with all members being present, and leads in the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Consent Agenda: The Consent Agenda was approved.
Public Comments: CTA presented updates of school happenings
across the campus.
Old Business:
A. No old business was discussed.
New Business:
A. The board rescinded MSBA Policy GB-R1-previously policy GCE-R.
B. The board approved 12 semester graduates, pending completion of
graduation requirements.
The board approved the bleacher inspection from Heartland
Seating Inc. for $1400.
The board approved the renewal of the umbrella liability insurance coverage from MUSIC for $8404.
8. Discussion Items:
Dr. Williams discussed the district’s Annual Performance Report (APR).
The nurse’s report was submitted by high school nurse Linda Milam and reviewed.
Administrator’s from all buildings were present to give a report on the happenings in their building.
The next scheduled board meeting was set for December 15, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.
In Closed Session:
The board approved the following additions to the Substitute Teacher List: Joshua Link, Jennifer Slavings, Jansen Williams, Billie Stratton-Nurse.
The board accepted a resignation letter from Bus Driver, Regina Dowdy.
The board accepted a resignation letter from Southwest Paraprofessional, Tracy Botsch.
The board accepted a retirement letter from High School Counselor, Jennifer Miller.
The board accepted a retirement letter from High School Counselor, Judy Patterson.
The board accepted a retirement letter from High School Math Teacher, Linda Hill.
The board accepted a retirement letter from High School Assistant Principal and Athletic Director, Derek Urhahn.
The board employed Bus Driver, Brad Hann.
The board discussed the completion of an advanced degree and approved a pay increase for the payroll/insurance clerk. This increase is due to obtaining a Masters in Business Administration.
The board voted to approve salary indexes equivalent to their positions for the remainder of their 2016-2017 contract for; Gavin Miller, Nancy Langley, and Amy James.