Local Schools

Spitzer Receives Scholarship
November 28th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Spitzer Receives Scholarship

Bernie, Missouri -  Lari Spitzer, daughter of Kevin and Lisa Spitzer of Bernie, was recognized at the annual Southeast Missouri State University Scholarship Reception held on November 4th at the Show Me Center in Cape Girardeau.

More than 600 people attended the recognition event where more than 400 scholarship recipients were recognized for outstanding academic records, leadership, and/or athletic success.

Spitzer, a junior in early childhood education, was recognized as a recipient of the James M. and Joyce Petty Overby Family Scholarship, a scholarship endowed by former Bernie residents.

Joyce Overby and one of her three daughters, Diane Overby Sides, were on hand to congratulate Spitzer.

Spitzer is a 2015 graduate of Bernie High School and was active in Sr. Beta Club, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Pep Club, and was also on the Academic Team and Publications.  She was a member of the varsity softball team and varsity cheer.

This is the second year Sitzer has been awarded the Overby Family Scholarship.

Shown in the provided photo are from left to right: Joyce Overby, Diane Overby Sides, Lari Spitzer, and Dr. Carlos Vargas, President of Southeast Missouri State University.

Last Updated on November 28th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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The Holly Jolly Pirates of Pinataville Performing TONIGHT!
November 21st 2016 by Dee Loflin
The Holly Jolly Pirates of Pinataville Performing TONIGHT!

Dexter, Missouri - The Second grade classes of Mrs. Boyer, Mrs. Massey, Mrs. Mick, and Mrs. Nelson along with Mrs. Amber Duley, the Music Director of Southwest Elementary will provide an evening of entertainment. 

It's "A Rollicking Musical for Young Voices" by Teresa Jennings and Karl Hitzemann.   They perform at Southwest Elementary on Monday, November 21, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the gym.  This even is open to the public!  Everyone is encouraged to attend.

A special performance was held today at 2:00 p.m. for the students at Southwest Elementary and teachers.  Photos can be seen on the ShowMe Times Facebook page.

Songs are "Hola From Pinataville, Arrr!, What Should We Do?, Pepper Music, Forgiveness Is the Treasure We Seek, and Jolly Fiesta!"

Special thanks to Gabe Greer - Assistant Director and Lighting Technician, High School Cadets - John Smith, Blyne Goodman, and Haley Cornett,  Pirate Ship Construction was made possible by David and Melissa Petzoldt, First Baptist Church of Dexter, Dexter Music Center, and Parents Teacher Organization.

Last Updated on November 21st 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Investigation of Potential Threat to Students at Dexter
November 21st 2016 by Dee Loflin
Investigation of Potential Threat to Students at Dexter

Dexter, Missouri - Many people were talking about a potential threat to our children attending Dexter public schools today.  Amy James has issued a SchoolReach text alert and sent the ShowMe Times information to share with the public.  Thank you for all your concerns today!  Safety of our students is a priority!

"As many of you know accusations of threats towards our school circulated on social media over the weekend." 

"Please be aware, an investigation has been conducted by our high school administration, the juvenile authorities, and the Dexter Police Department.  There is currently no threat to our students or staff at this time. School is being conducted as normal.  The safety of our students and staff is our utmost priority."

Thank you,
Amy James
Director of Special Services
Director of Federal Programs
District Compliance Officer
Dexter R-XI School District

If you see a school or student threat on Social Media please contact your local police department.  Save the image so the police may track it down.

Last Updated on November 21st 2016 by Dee Loflin

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6th Pink-Out Day Raises $20K
November 21st 2016 by Dee Loflin
6th Pink-Out Day Raises $20K

Poplar Bluff, Missouri - A total of $20,000 was raised for the United Cancer Assistance Network during the sixth annual Pink-Out Day, which concluded Friday, Oct. 14, at the Mules Football game.

Pink-Out Day is a citywide observance founded by the Poplar Bluff High School Student Council. Citizens participate in a T-shirt fundraiser, the proceeds of which go toward UCAN, a nonprofit organization that provides monetary assistance for local patients receiving cancer treatment.

 In the photo: Wearing their Pink-Out Day T-shirts to school, students and staff members present a check to UCAN in the PBHS commons area.

Photos and article submitted by Tim Krakowiak, Communications/Marketing Director, Poplar Bluff R-I School District

Last Updated on November 21st 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Elementary School Recognizes STARS
November 21st 2016 by Dee Loflin
Elementary School Recognizes STARS

Poplar Bluff, Missouri - Oak Grove Elementary has joined Lake Road and Eugene Field in implementing the Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support program designed to reward students who are meeting and exceeding building expectations.

Through the new program that goes by the acronym STARS, students who are spotted by staff doing something exceptional earn points which they can use to purchase prizes in a makeshift store set up monthly. Classes can also earn reward parties. The store is funded by the Parent Teacher Organization as well as the Latch-Key program.

“If you put in those positive expectations, maybe you’ll ward off the negative behavior by bringing more attention to the good things,” Principal Jenifer Richardson explained. “It feels good to be praised so other students take notice.”

Upon meeting the required staff buy-in quota, Richardson and a team of colleagues attended a summer training institute in 2015 and proceeded to collect data last school year. Implementation of the action plan kicked off this year with an Olympic-themed boot camp that was designed for students to rotate through stations that defined expectations in various school settings such as the lunchroom and the bus.

The final component of the program is the Monday morning celebration during which students learn their behavioral focus of the week. Students are encouraged to wear their STARS T-shirts supplied by school sponsor Poplar Bluff Realty.

Richardson credits her staff for the early success of the program. First grade teacher Sheila Henderson commented that she enjoys “starting the week on such a positive note.” The biggest benefit third grade teacher Hilary Taylor sees, she added, is the “consistency of the new building-wide approach to classroom management.”

STARS stands for: The expectation is for our Star students to Take responsibility, Always be safe, Respect yourself and others, and Strive to do your best.

Promoting the STARS program are students (from left) Alexis Jameson, Laynie Riggins, Emma McCracken, Kale Caudel, Kinley Young, Samantha Painter, Cayden Innes and Zada Camden.

Photos and article submitted by Tim Krakowiak, Communications/Marketing Director, Poplar Bluff R-I School District

Last Updated on November 21st 2016 by Dee Loflin

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