Local Schools

The Holly Jolly Pirates of Pinataville Performing TONIGHT!
November 21st 2016 by Dee Loflin
The Holly Jolly Pirates of Pinataville Performing TONIGHT!

Dexter, Missouri - The Second grade classes of Mrs. Boyer, Mrs. Massey, Mrs. Mick, and Mrs. Nelson along with Mrs. Amber Duley, the Music Director of Southwest Elementary will provide an evening of entertainment. 

It's "A Rollicking Musical for Young Voices" by Teresa Jennings and Karl Hitzemann.   They perform at Southwest Elementary on Monday, November 21, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the gym.  This even is open to the public!  Everyone is encouraged to attend.

A special performance was held today at 2:00 p.m. for the students at Southwest Elementary and teachers.  Photos can be seen on the ShowMe Times Facebook page.

Songs are "Hola From Pinataville, Arrr!, What Should We Do?, Pepper Music, Forgiveness Is the Treasure We Seek, and Jolly Fiesta!"

Special thanks to Gabe Greer - Assistant Director and Lighting Technician, High School Cadets - John Smith, Blyne Goodman, and Haley Cornett,  Pirate Ship Construction was made possible by David and Melissa Petzoldt, First Baptist Church of Dexter, Dexter Music Center, and Parents Teacher Organization.

Last Updated on November 21st 2016 by Dee Loflin

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