Poplar Bluff, Missouri - Oak Grove Elementary has joined Lake Road and Eugene Field in implementing the Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support program designed to reward students who are meeting and exceeding building expectations.
Through the new program that goes by the acronym STARS, students who are spotted by staff doing something exceptional earn points which they can use to purchase prizes in a makeshift store set up monthly. Classes can also earn reward parties. The store is funded by the Parent Teacher Organization as well as the Latch-Key program.
“If you put in those positive expectations, maybe you’ll ward off the negative behavior by bringing more attention to the good things,” Principal Jenifer Richardson explained. “It feels good to be praised so other students take notice.”
Upon meeting the required staff buy-in quota, Richardson and a team of colleagues attended a summer training institute in 2015 and proceeded to collect data last school year. Implementation of the action plan kicked off this year with an Olympic-themed boot camp that was designed for students to rotate through stations that defined expectations in various school settings such as the lunchroom and the bus.
The final component of the program is the Monday morning celebration during which students learn their behavioral focus of the week. Students are encouraged to wear their STARS T-shirts supplied by school sponsor Poplar Bluff Realty.
Richardson credits her staff for the early success of the program. First grade teacher Sheila Henderson commented that she enjoys “starting the week on such a positive note.” The biggest benefit third grade teacher Hilary Taylor sees, she added, is the “consistency of the new building-wide approach to classroom management.”
STARS stands for: The expectation is for our Star students to Take responsibility, Always be safe, Respect yourself and others, and Strive to do your best.
Promoting the STARS program are students (from left) Alexis Jameson, Laynie Riggins, Emma McCracken, Kale Caudel, Kinley Young, Samantha Painter, Cayden Innes and Zada Camden.
Photos and article submitted by Tim Krakowiak, Communications/Marketing Director, Poplar Bluff R-I School District