Local Schools

Bloomfield Schools to Hold Veterans Day Ceremony
November 08th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Bloomfield Schools to Hold Veterans Day Ceremony

Bloomfield, Missouri - Friday, November 11, 2016 is Veterans Day.  A day to celebrate and honor military veterans. It was renamed Veterans Day in 1954 from Armistice Day which marked the anniversary of World War I which was formerly ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918.

On Friday, the Bloomfield School District will have a Veterans Day Ceremony at 9:00 a.m. in the high school gym. 

The event is open to the public and they also want to invite any veteran or current member of our military to join them as they honor those who have served our country or are still serving our country.

Parking for guests will be on the south end of the high school gym and in the high school gym parking lot.

Last Updated on November 08th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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