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Jr Beta Induction Held at T.S. Hill Middle School
November 02nd 2016 by Dee Loflin
Jr Beta Induction Held at T.S. Hill Middle School

Dexter, Missouri - Jr Beta Induction at T.S. Hill Middle School was held on Friday, October 28, 2016 at a special ceremony held for parents, special guests, and teachers.  There were 105 new inductees for a grand total of 282 Jr Beta Members, the largest group in the state of Missouri.

Mr. Gavin Miller, Asst. Principal welcomed everyone and introduced 8th grade student and Jr Beta member Courtney Northcutt to lead the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Keiton Buck lead everyone in singing of our National Anthem and what an amazing job Keiton did.....brought tears to the eyes of many with his rendition of our nation's anthem!

This is the fifth year for the T.S. Hill Middle School Jr Beta program and it has proven to serve a purpose and fill several needs at the school.

"This is our 5th year of Jr. Beta at T.S. Hill Middle School," commented Scott Kruse, DMS Principal.  "It has become obvious to our students, teachers, parents, and this community that Beta Club makes a powerful positive impact on our school and student body.  it is exciting to be able to say this positive impact can now continue into High School with the implementation of Sr. Beta."

The students have sponsored canned food drives, Old School Chili Suppers, hosted formal Winter dances, and worked on several service projects including a flower garden improvement at Southwest Elementary School," commented T.S. Hill Middle School principal Scott Kruse.  "They have picked up trash throughout our district campuses, hosted a paper product drive for Mother-to-Mother program, as well as providing an amazing Christmas for area families in need through the support of the Daily Statesman's Operation Santa."

"At last year's state convention, our members attended and competed against other Missouri Jr. Beta members in categories such as artwork, photography, speech, essay, group talent, poetry, recycled art, quilting, wreaths, banners, web design, handmade jewelry, t-shirt design, living literature, quiz bowl, academics and more."

The students were inducted on Friday were invited to join the Jr. Beta Club, not based on a specific skill or talent.  They are not selected because of superior athletic ability or musical gifts.  It's not a popularity contest!

"This club emphasizes and recognizes students who understand the importance of things like: Achievement, Character, Leadership, and Service," stated Kruse.

Almost 300 students have worked hard in the classroom and are all meeting Honor Roll standards.  They must continually focus on their academics in order to remain a member of Jr. Beta.

Jr. Beta students consistently show their teachers and administrators that they understand what it means to do the right thing.  Students must represent the school, their club, and their community in only the best ways.

Jr. Beta members are leaders in their school and their community.  They set the example and are the role models for other students to emulate and follow.  Through the Jr. Beta Club they have the opportunity to be recognized for their positive attitude and efforts.

The Beta Club motto is, "Let us lead by serving others."  That's exactly what the T.S. Hill Middle School Jr. Beta Club members do is to lead their school by serving the community and their fellow classmates.

The following T.S. Hill Middle School Students were inducted into the JR Beta Club:

Addyson Aaron ,Destiny Ahrens, Myah Al-Balawi, Xander Alms, Grant Ayers, Abigail Baldwin, Gaje Baran, Ciara Barber, Clayton Bell, Cassie Bess, Owen Bewley, Kaden Bias, Peyton Boles, Kayleigh Bridges, Brooklyn Brown, Tristan Bryant, Keller Buck, Kobe Cagle, Caitlin Cash, Draven Cato, Drew Chamberlain, Jackson Christian, and Kasen Clark.

Rachel Cobb, Isabella Cook, Brooklyn Courter, Shelby Curran, Sarah Dachs, Alexis Davis, Shelby Dawson, Makenna Dean, Makinsey Deuster, Mikayla Dodson, Ellen Dowdy, Ryan Duncan, Gabrielle Dunivan, Destiny Durham, Parker Evans, Izaac Feather, and Jaden Feece.

Jonathan Floyd, Kamdyn Fortner, Hannah Frazier, Cole Gibson, Caitlin Giles, Madison Glaus, Brianna Granger, Destiny Griffin, Hannah Guy, Alyson Hamlett, Isaac Hann, Eric Harmon, Nathaniel Harris, Kathryn Hawkins, Corey Hawkins, Jayci Holcomb, and Alexis Holden.

Alise Howell, Braxton Huey, Logan Jones, , Logan Josupait, Reece Justice, Myles Keena, Kaeden Kennedy, Truman Krapf, Owen Lacy, Alliye Lee, Carly Long, Aiden Lopez, Amber Madigan, Chaney Mansker, Abrianna McPherson, Jacob Medler,  Kylan Moore, Cole Nichols, Alexa Noles, and Elise Noles.

Miranda Norman, William Norris, Hayden Odell, Ashley Peters, Alyssa Pollard, Blaine Prance, Tristin Pullum, Abigail Rash, Dalton Reed, , , Skylar Reeves, Morgan Ryan, Abbie Sandage, Grace Sepulvado, Kellsie Shelton, Molly Simmons, Destiny Snell, Christopher Stone, Hannah Summers, and Seth Teel.

Abigail Thompson, Thomas Wade, Emma Wamble, Seth Warren, Kaylee Watts, Kaeli Wells, Hannah West, Calysta Whitaker,, Clayton Whitaker, Aslyn Wirz, and Brock Wyman.

Last Updated on November 02nd 2016 by Dee Loflin

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First Grade Students Earn Positive Bus Referral Awards
October 31st 2016 by Dee Loflin
First Grade Students Earn Positive Bus Referral Awards

Dexter, Missouri - Southwest Elementary honored Shae Renfro and Rylee Short with Positive Bus Referral certificates. Both students are in the first grade.

Each student showed great character on the school bus for the month and are nominated by their bus driver. 

Congratulations to all of the students.

Each student received a certificate and a free gift certificate for a taco from Taco Bell.

Last Updated on October 31st 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Southwest Elementary Positive Office Referrals
October 31st 2016 by Dee Loflin
Southwest Elementary Positive Office Referrals

Dexter, Missouri - Southwest Elementary honors several students with the Positive Office Referral certificate.

This award is presented to students who consistently show the 3R's RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and READY TO LEARN at Southwest Elementary in Dexter.

Shown in the photo top row from left to right: Cori Lovelady, Kindergarten; Addilyn Williams, Kindergarten; Makinley Crosby, Kindergarten, and Evelyn De La Rosa, First Grade.  Front Row from left to right: Saturnino Martinez, Second Grade; Jessie White, Second Grade; Jacob Feece, First Grade, and Aliyah Hadley, First Grade.

Last Updated on October 31st 2016 by Dee Loflin

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First Missouri Bank Donates Chromebooks
October 30th 2016 by Dee Loflin
First Missouri Bank Donates Chromebooks

Dexter, Missouri - T.S. Hill Middle School received a generous donation from First Missouri Bank. 

The Dexter R-XI School Districts would like to thank them for the support of the purchase of a Chromebook cart and 30 Chromebooks.

"The teachers and students are excited about the addition of these tools to enhance educational opportunities," commented Amy James.  "Teachers are eager to utilize the Chromebooks to engage their students in learning activities."

This technology is taken advantage of on a daily basis.  

/images/2016 Images/Chromebook.png

Last Updated on October 30th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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DMS Students Earn All-District Choir Honors
October 30th 2016 by Dee Loflin
DMS Students Earn All-District Choir Honors

Dexter, Missouri - T.S.Hill Middle School will be well represented on November 12th at the Junior High All-District Choir concert to be held at the Cape Girardeau High School.

Students had to submit a vocal recording of My Country Tis of Thee in September.  A panel of judges listened to the recordings and selected 35 sopranos, 35 altos, and 35 boys for the All District Choir.  Entries were submitted from schools across our district.

Shown in the photo front row from left to right: Peyton Bridges, Kennedy Robertson, Tristan Pullum, Addy Atherton, Gerica Harris, Kyla Propst, and Sarah Dachs.  Second row left to right: Ayden Walters, Nate Bryant, Gabe McGhee, Austin Kennard, Jeb Hubbard, Justin Viers, and Makayla Boyt.

Last Updated on October 30th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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