Poplar Bluff, Missouri - Kathy Sweeney of KFVS12 visit Poplar Bluff Junior High School on Thursday, October 20th
“Why don’t you be a TV news chick?”
It all began for Kathy Sweeney with an off-hand suggestion.
The KFVS12 news anchor received the advice from one of her older brothers, proceeded to change majors in college, and began a broadcasting career that has spanned 27 years.
Sweeney shared this story with the Exploring Career class Thursday, Oct. 20, at Poplar Bluff Junior High School.
"I didn’t choose my career, my career chose me,” said Sweeney, who has been employed by KFVS12 for over two decades. “If you don’t know what you want to be, (stick with) what you’re good at.”
She first learned as an undergrad during her final project in speech class that she was not afraid to talk in front of a camera, the newswoman recalled, a previously unidentified talent she later shared with her sibling who made the impromptu suggestion.
Sweeney went on to speak with students about digital citizenship as well as working up the career ladder. She said be prepared to start at the bottom, adding: “If you work hard enough, eventually you’ll be rewarded.”
Following the lecture, Sweeney participated in some Q&A with the students, which included several from the mass media class. She revealed such behind-the-scenes tidbits as how she and co-host Jeff Cunningham used to sit at the anchor desk, but now they stand in order to increase their energy levels during a broadcast.
Shown in the photo: Long-time KFVS12 anchor Kathy Sweeney visits Jenn Nicolini’s classroom to speak with students about identifying a career path.
Article and photo submitted by Tim Krakowiak, Communications/Marketing Director, Poplar Bluff R-I School District

Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter Public School Board met at their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, October 25, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.
Call to Order/Roll Call/Pledge The Board President announced the meeting is to begin, ascertains the attendance status of all Board members with Nancy Mayer being absent, and leads in the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Consent Agenda: The Consent Agenda was approved.
Public Comments: CTA may presented updates of school happenings throughout the campus.
Old Business
A. The board approved the leasing of a Special Services bus. The district will be reimbursed 100% from State Early Childhood Special Education.
B. The board approved MSBA policy GDBDA that dealt with support staff leave.
New Business
A. The board approved the A+ report as prepared by High School Counselors Judy Patterson and Jennifer Miller.
B. The board approved revisions to the 2016-17 Assessment Plan as presented by Curriculum Director Dr. Michele Williams.
The board approved the paper bid of $18,639.60 (840 cases @ $22.19 per case) from Contract Paper Group Inc.
Dr. Williams discussed the district’s Annual Performance Report (APR).
Mr. Wood discussed the district Health Insurance. At their annual meeting last week the consortium discussed the balances that were needed to stay solvent. At this time they feel they are border line with these needs and will meet sometime in February to discuss options after reviewing the next few months of data.
Mr. Wood discussed the progress of the baseball field renovation saying that everything was on time and within budget. He wanted to thank the city and especially the Park Department for all the help they provided in this joint venture. He encouraged everyone to go by and take a look at the updates stating they would be impressed and very happy with the renovation.
The nurse’s report was submitted by high school nurse Linda Milam.
Administrator’s from all buildings were present to give a report on happenings in their building.
Mr. Wood wanted to thank FM Bank for their purchase of 30 chrome books and mobile Cart. The total donation was $8,000.00.
In Closed Session
The board approved the following Additions to the Substitute Teacher List: Richard Forshee.
The board accepted retirement letter from Southwest Elementary Title Teacher Teresa Elfrink.
The board accepted retirement letter from Parents as Teachers Director Melanie Stoelting.
The board accepted retirement letter from Southwest Elementary Title Teacher Loretta J. Morrow.
The board accepted retirement letter from Southwest Elementary Second Grade Teacher Regina A. Mick.
The board employed Special Services Aide Jessy Kohm (Wilcox).
The board discussed the Assistant Superintendent applicants, interview timeline and process. The board is hopeful to hire a new Assistant Superintendent for the 2017-18 school year during the November board meeting.

Bernie, Missouri - The Bernie High School Student Council will host a Halloween Costume Contest for grades 7th -12th on Monday, October 31st.
Awards will be given in the following categories:
• Most Creative
• Best Couple
• Best Group (3+)
• Best Faculty Costume
• Most Authentic
• Cutest Costume
• Funniest Costume
All costumes must follow the school dress code. Clown costumes, masks, full face paint, and blood/gore are prohibited. Don't forget, this is a Clash of the Classes competition. Please see Mrs. Bates if you have any questions.

Dexter, Missouri - The T.S. Middle Students hit it out of the park with their recent Trash Bag Sales. They sold over double the amount they did in 2013 which was the last time the middle school sold the trash bags. This is a rotating fundraiser between Southwest, Central, and the Middle School.
This year the total number of rolls sold was 5,509.
Here are the top sellers:
6th Grade Girl = Madison Glaus
6th Grade Boy = Will Norris
7th Grade Girl = Andie Kruse
7th Grade Boy = Cooper Thomas
8th Grade Girl = McKenna Rodgers
8th Grade Boy = Ryan Collier
Each of these students received $50 each from Parent/Teachers Organization (PTO). The overall top salesperson was Ryan Collier and he also received the grand prize of $200.
There are a few extra rolls left so if you are still in need or didn't get an opportunity to purchase, please call the T.S. Hill Middle School at 614-1010.
THANK YOU to the community for supporting this fundraiser in such a huge way!
Mrs. Lara Simmons' 8th hour class - 1st place
Mrs. Jill King's 8th hour class - 2nd place
Mrs. Kristin Miller's 8th hour class - 3rd class
Top winners from left to right are: Cooper Thomas, Madison Glaus, Andie Kruse, Ryan Collier, Will Norris, McKenna Rodgers

Bernie, Missouri - It's Red Ribbon Week at Bernie High School. They will celebrate Monday, October 24th - Friday, October 28th.
Red Ribbon Week is a drug, alcohol and tobacco prevention awareness campaign!
The activities will be:
Monday- Hat day "Hats off to Drugs"
Tuesday- Super Hero day " Superheros Have the POWER to SAY NO to Drugs"
Wednesday-Pajama day "Follow Your DREAMS, Be Drug Free"
Thursday- Camouflage and boots day "Join the Fight against Drugs"
Friday- Team Spirit day "TEAM Up Against Drugs"
Make sure that you follow the dress code that is in your student handbook. If you have any questions please ask Ms. Henry or Mr. McKinnis.