
Sindle and Blocker Receive Home Town Hero Awards
October 27th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Sindle and Blocker Receive Home Town Hero Awards

Bloomfield, Missouri - Two long-time custodians were honored with Hometown Hero Awards at Bloomfield Public Schools on Tuesday, October 25th.

Darrell Sindle and Bruce Blocker tricked into coming to the high school gymnasium to an enthusiastic crowd of students from kindergarten - 12th grade.  Members of the band and flag corps were on hand to welcome them at the entrance.

They received the awards from Modern Woodmen.

Bruce Blocker graduated from Bloomfield High School in 1980. He was hired as a custodian for the district and began work on August 1, 1990. This is his 28th year working for the district.  Both of his parents, flora and Eugene Blocker also worked as custodians at the school.

Darrell Sindle graduated from Bloomfield High School in 1986. He began working as a custodian for the district on September 24, 1997. This is his 20th year working for the district. Both of his parents, Nadene and Charles Sindle worked for Bloomfield Schools.

"Both of these gentlemen have spent almost their entire lives in the halls of Bloomfield schools," said Lara Thorn, a Modern Woodman representative. "Their dedication to our school and students is a testament to the type of men they are - the type of people we want around our students as examples. I can't say enough good things about Bruce and Darrell and can't express how much these two deserve the title of 'Hometown Hero.'"

Each Hero will receive a check to be donated to a charity of their choosing.

Shown in the photo are from left to right: Front row - Isaac Hendley, Ryker Chasteen, and Avery White. 2nd row - Katie Hendley, Cheyenne Brown, Wyatt Hendley , Bruce Blocker, Ashton White, Darrell Sindle, and Lara Thorn.  Back row -  Will Thorn , Gavin Chasteen , Kurtis O'Neal , Matt Gibbs , Skye Brown , Sam Gibbs and Alex Gibbs.

Last Updated on October 27th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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