Local Schools
Bernie HS Celebrates Red Ribbon Week
October 24th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Bernie, Missouri - It's Red Ribbon Week at Bernie High School. They will celebrate Monday, October 24th - Friday, October 28th.
Red Ribbon Week is a drug, alcohol and tobacco prevention awareness campaign!
The activities will be:
Monday- Hat day "Hats off to Drugs"
Tuesday- Super Hero day " Superheros Have the POWER to SAY NO to Drugs"
Wednesday-Pajama day "Follow Your DREAMS, Be Drug Free"
Thursday- Camouflage and boots day "Join the Fight against Drugs"
Friday- Team Spirit day "TEAM Up Against Drugs"
Make sure that you follow the dress code that is in your student handbook. If you have any questions please ask Ms. Henry or Mr. McKinnis.
Last Updated on October 24th 2016 by Dee Loflin