Bloomfield, Missouri - The Bloomfield Public School Board October Meeting was held Monday, October 17, 2016.
Seven kindergarten students came to the meeting and showed-off their awesome math skills. Everyone was very impressed.
The board approved:
1. District Audit Report
2. McKinstry as the company the District will work with on engergy conservation measures
3. Board Policies JFCF, JFCG, and JG-R1 that addressed the new bullying law (HB 1583) passed during the last legislative session
4. Bus Driver Manual
John Newell gave a recap of the MSBA conference he attended.
During the my report, Toni Hill, Superintendent, discussed September Membership and gave a report on our MAP/EOC/ACT scores.
During executive session the board approved substitutes Kelsey Dixon, Barbara Duckworth, Connie Davis, Jacob Corzine, and Valery Yeakey pending all other requirements.