
Lady Mules Volleyball Seniors Honored
October 14th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Lady Mules Volleyball Seniors Honored

Bernie, Missouri - Six Lady Mules Volleyball players were honored during Senior Night at the Mule Barn in Bernie.

They are Morgan Baker, Madissen Corbin, Christina Dowdy, Macayla Owens, Mabree Stone, and Kayli Tanner.

Morgan Baker is the daughter of Bub and Lisa Baker.  She is involved in volleyball, softball, cheerleading, Student Council Historian, Beta, Speech and Drama, Class Vice President and FBLA.  Her future plans are to attend Southeast Missouri State University and major in early childhood education and be a volleyball coach.

Madissen Corbin is the daughter of Kevin and Karen Corbin.  She is involved in Yearbook, softball, Beta Secretary, FBLA Secretary and Student Council Vice President. Her future plans are to attend college and pursue a degree in physical therapy.

Christina Dowdy is the daughter of Kyle and Maria Dowdy.  She is involved in Beta, FBLA Class Secretary, volleyball, cheerleading, and Student Council Secretary.  Her future plans are to attend Southeast Missouri State University in Malden for two years then transfer to Arkansas State University in Jonesboro to earn a degree in Nursing.  Once she earns her nursing degree she wants to specialize in anesthesiology.

Macayla Owens is the daughter of Richard and Brittney Owens and Jamie Madison.  She is involved in Student Council, Beta, FCCLA, Yearbook, volleyball, and softball.  Her future plans are to attend Arkansas State University to earn a nursing degree and work towards becoming a CRNA.

Mabree Stone is the daughter of Jeff and Carla Stone.  She is involved in Beta, volleyball, Class Treasurer, Internship at Winchester Place. Her future plans are to get into the nursing program at Arkansas State University.

Kayli Tanner is the daughter of Zack and Beckie Tanner.  She is active in volleyball, softball, Beta Vice President, Student Council Historian, Speech and Drama, Class Vice President, Scholar Bowl, and yearbook editor. Her future plans are to attend Harding University and become an occupational therapist.

Shown in the photo from left to right are Morgan Baker, Mabree Stone, Kayli Tanner, Madissen Corbin, Macayla Owens, and Christina Dowdy.

Provided photo.

Last Updated on October 14th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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