Local Schools

Dexter School Bus Drivers Hold Monthly Safety Meeting
September 28th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Dexter School Bus Drivers Hold Monthly Safety Meeting

Dexter, Missouri - Chuck Kasting, Stoddard County Ambulance District Assistant Manager, was the instructor for the Dexter Public School bus drivers during a safety training seminar for Automatic Electronic Defibrillator (AED) and EPI pens.

Dexter School Bus drivers hold monthly safety training sessions as part of the required annual continuing education.

Photo and article submitted by Tim Fowler, Transportation Supervisor, Dexter Public Schools

Last Updated on September 28th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Public Child Find Notice for Stoddard Schools
September 26th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Public Child Find Notice for Stoddard Schools

Stoddard & Bollinger County Schools

All responsible public agencies are required to locate, evaluate, and identify children with disabilities who are under the jurisdiction of the agency, regardless of the severity of the disability, including children attending private schools, children who live outside the district but are attending a private school within the district, highly mobile children, such as migrant and homeless children, children who are wards of the state, and children who are suspected of having a disability and in need of special education even though they are advancing from grade to grade. 

The public school districts listed assure that it will provide a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) to all eligible children with disabilities between the ages of 3 and 21 under its jurisdiction.  Disabilities include autism, deaf/blindness, emotional disorders, hearing impairment and deafness, intellectual disability, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other health impairments, specific learning disabilities, speech or language impairment, traumatic brain injury, visual impairment/blindness and young child with a developmental delay. 

The public school districts listed assure that it will provide information and referral services necessary to assist the State in the implementation of early intervention services for infants and toddlers eligible for the Missouri First Steps program.  The public school districts listed assure that personally identifiable information collected, used, or maintained by the agency for the purposes of identification, evaluation, placement or provision of FAPE of children with disabilities may be inspected and/or reviewed by their parents/guardians. 

Parents/guardians may request amendment to the educational record if the parent/guardian believes the record is inaccurate, misleading, or violates the privacy or other rights of their child.  Parents have the right to file complaints with the U.S. Department of Education or the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education concerning alleged failures by the district to meet the requirements of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).  The public school districts listed have developed a Local Compliance Plan for the implementation of State Regulations for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This plan contains the agency’s policies and procedures regarding storage, disclosure to third parties, retention and destruction of personally identifiable information and the agency’s assurances that services are provided in compliance with the General Education Provision Act (GEPA).

This notice will be provided in native languages as appropriate.

The Public School Districts listed, as a recipient of federal financial assistance from the United States Department of Education and operates a public elementary or secondary education program and/or activity, is required to undertake to identify and locate every qualified person residing in the District who is not receiving a public education; and take appropriate steps to notify disabled persons and their parents or guardians of the District’s duty.

These Public School Districts assure that they will provide a free appropriate public education (FAPE) to each qualified disabled person in the District’s jurisdiction regardless of the nature or severity of the person’s disability. For purposes of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the provision of an appropriate education is the provision of regular or special and related aids and services that (i) are designed to meet individual educational needs of disabled persons as adequately as the needs of nondisabled persons are met and (ii) are based on adherence to procedures that satisfy the requirements of the 504 federal regulations. These Public School Districts have developed a 504 Procedures Manual for the implementation of federal regulations for Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, Subpart D.

These plans may be reviewed at the administrative offices of the following school districts during office hours:
        Advance R-IV         19805 State Hwy C, Advance, MO
        Bell City R-II        25254 Walnut Street, Bell City, MO
        Bernie R-XIII        516 West Main Street, Bernie, MO
        Bloomfield R-XIV    505 Court Street, Bloomfield, MO
Dexter R-XI        1031 Brown Pilot Lane, Dexter, MO
Leopold R-III        100 Main Street, Leopold, MO
Meadow Heights R-II    Route 1 Box 2365, Patton, MO
        Puxico R-VIII        481 Bedford Street, Puxico, MO
        Richland R-I        24456 State Hwy 114, Essex, MO
        Woodland R-IV        Route 5, Box 3210, Marble Hill, MO
        Zalma R-V        HC 02 Box 184, Zalma, MO

This notice will be provided in native languages as appropriate.

Last Updated on September 26th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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FCA Movie Night; Bring a New Toy
September 26th 2016 by Dee Loflin
FCA Movie Night; Bring a New Toy

Dexter, Missouri - Fellowship of Christian Athletes will have a MOVIE Night at Charles Bland Stadium in Dexter on Wednesday, September 28th beginning at 7:00 p.m.

Everyone is invited to attend!  Bring your friends, parents, sibling, and grandparents!  Enjoy a night of good fellowship and one great movie: Woodlawn.

Concessions will be available.

Admission is one new toy which will be donated to Foster Family Christmas.

Woodlawn is about Tony Nathan, a gifted high school football player, and other black students desegregate Woodlawn High School in Birmingham, Alabama in 1973. As cross burnings and riots erupt in the city, Tandy Gerelds, the Woodlawn Colonels football coach, struggles to ease racial tensions between his players.

It's only when Gerelds allows Hank, an outsider, to speak to his team that real change begins. Hank, who has been radically affected by the message of hope and love he experienced at a Christian revival meeting, tells the players a "better way" is possible through following Jesus. More than 40 players, nearly the entire team, black and white, give their lives over to Jesus Christ and the spiritual change has a profound effect on the coach, the school and the community. Excellent movie for everyone to watch.

Last Updated on September 26th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Spirit Week at Southwest Elementary
September 24th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Spirit Week at Southwest Elementary

Dexter, Missouri - Southwest Elementary students will also be participating in Spirit Week in Dexter.

On Monday it's PJ Day.  That's right you get to wear your pajamas to school on Monday, September 26th.

On Tuesday it's BEARCAT Day!  Wear your favorite Bearcat t-shirt or red and black.

On Wednesday it's Cowboy Day!  Dress like a cowboy or cowgirl.  Get those boots and bandanas out!

On Thursday it's Red, White and Blue Day!

On Friday it's White Out Day!  Wear white!

The students are invited to attend the 3rd Annual Bearcat Community Tailgate at Charles Bland Stadium on Friday, September 30th beginning at 4:30 p.m.  Eat, play games, check out the Kids Zone by SoutheastHEALTH, and get FREE stuff!  Show your Bearcat Spirit and come out to the game!

Last Updated on September 24th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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SCAM Alert - DHS Basketball TriFold Brochure
September 20th 2016 by Dee Loflin
SCAM Alert - DHS Basketball TriFold Brochure

Dexter, Missouri - SCAM ALERT!!!  If you receive an email from Mike Dudley or John Wilbur asking for ADVERTISING for Dexter Public Schools Basketball Tri-Fold Brochure it is a scam.

The ShowMe Times  has been in contact with Mr. Derek Urhahn, Assistant Principal and Athletic Director at DHS and this type of solicitation is not sanctioned by the Dexter High School.

Please share and let others know that if you are contacted for advertising, please check the source if you are not familiar with the person selling.  Students or teachers will typically contact you for school programs for various sporting events.

Here is the copy of the email below!


The programs are a Tri-fold brochure with a high resolution full color cover gloss, a perfect keepsake for fans, friends and families. The community will support the team and the advertisers highlighted by the basketball schedule for the Go Bearcats !!! right in the center.  Around the bordering sides, front and back of the schedule, we feature leading local area businesses that will benefit from being featured on 4000 programs for all local residences and businesses to see for the entire basketball season.

As far as the price is concerned, we have taken the current economy into consideration: 

2 x 2    Business card               $349.50
2 x 4    Double Business Card   $449.50
2 x 6    Left or Right side           $549.55
2 x 8    Bottom Banner              $649.50

(  SUPER FAN PACKAGE ! ) 6 x 8  $899.50 NO OTHER ADS!

Call and reserve you spot today!! Mock Copies of the BRAND NEW 2016 LAYOUT BELOW!

John Wilbur
Sr. Project Director

Last Updated on September 20th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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