Poplar Bluff, Missouri - The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education approved $183,000 in funding for Poplar Bluff R-I to expand its Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program to all elementary schools.
The program has allowed for fruits and vegetables to be made available to Eugene Field and Lake Road Elementary students over the past few years. This year fresh produce will also be served a couple times per week during class breaks at the Kindergarten Center, Oak Grove, O’Neal and the Middle School.
“We love it,” Lake Road Principal Erica Weadon exclaimed. “It makes for a healthier place.”
The FFVP was established to help students develop lifelong healthful eating habits, according to the award letter from DESE. Poplar Bluff’s dining service, Chartwells, administers the program at no cost to the district.
Dixie Harden, food services director, said her team plans to introduce produce that many students may not have had the opportunity to taste such as star fruit, jicama and sugar snap peas. The funding will also equip a salad bar at each of the school facilities.
Shown in the photo are Landen Deaton and Evan Knight of the third grade grab some fruit in the lobby at Lake Road.
Photos and article submitted by Tim Krakowiak, Communications/Marketing Director, Poplar Bluff R-I School District