Bloomfield, Missouri - This week we celebrate our local police officers. With 9/11 looming in our minds and as we remember all those who lost their lives on that dreadful day, we also realize that when a police officer is dispatched, they have no idea of the dangers that await them.
National Thank a Police Officer Day is held annually and Mayor Bill Aslin has written a Proclamation to dedicate September 12th as our day to celebrate National Thank a Police Officer Day.
The Bloomfield Chamber of Commerce distributed homemade cookies for the Justice Center for the officers to enjoy this week.
BRAVERY and heroism are not only character traits for police officers; rather they are job requirements.
Everyday, those who wear the BADGE put their lives on the line to keep the public safe.
Every time an officer is dispatched to an incident, they have no idea of the dangers that await them.
In America alone, more than 166 officers were killed in the line of duty last year with hundreds of others losing their lives worldwide.
The public has an opportunity to thank law enforcement officers for their work on National Thank a Police Officer Day. Throughout the week please stop in and thank them for all they do.
The event has been organized by the Whole Truth Project – an organization set up to protect and serve those who protect and serve our communities. Though not an official holiday declared by the U.S. Government, it should be noted that our police force deserve to be recognized not just annually, but thanked daily for all they do for us.
If you would like to thank a police officer or show support please take the time this week to stop in and say thank you! Thank you for risking your life each so we don't have to. Thank you for being there for us day in and day out, night after night without hesitation or fear.
National Police Week is held annually in May.
Shown in the photo from left to right: Ruth Strickland, Goldie DeGroot (Chamber President), Mayor Bill Aslin, Tonya Causey (Chief Juvenile Officer), Toni Hill, and Karen Griffin.
Bloomfield, Missouri - National Thank a Police Officer Day is held annually and Mayor Bill Aslin has written a Proclamation to dedicate September 12th as our day to celebrate National Thank a Police Officer Day in Bloomfield, Missouri.
The Bloomfield Chamber of Commerce brought homemade cookies to the Bloomfield Police Department for the officers to enjoy this week.
BRAVERY and heroism are not only character traits for police officers; rather they are job requirements.
Everyday, those who wear the BADGE put their lives on the line to keep the public safe.
Every time an officer is dispatched to an incident, they have no idea of the dangers that await them.
In America alone, more than 166 officers were killed in the line of duty last year with hundreds of others losing their lives worldwide.
The public has an opportunity to thank law enforcement officers for their work on National Thank a Police Officer Day. Throughout the week please stop in and thank them for all they do.
The event has been organized by the Whole Truth Project – an organization set up to protect and serve those who protect and serve our communities. Though not an official holiday declared by the U.S. Government, it should be noted that our police force deserve to be recognized not just annually, but thanked daily for all they do for us.
If you would like to thank a police officer or show support please take the time this week to stop in and say thank you! Thank you for risking your life each so we don't have to. Thank you for being there for us day in and day out, night after night without hesitation or fear.
National Police Week is held annually in May.
Shown in the photo from left to right: Ruth Strickland, Karen Griffin, Matthew Cash, J.D. Dew, Mayor Bill Aslin, Toni Hill, and Goldie DeGroot, Chamber President.

Bloomfield, Missouri - National Thank a Police Officer Day is held annually and Mayor Bill Aslin has written a Proclamation to dedicate September 12th as our day to celebrate National Thank a Police Officer Day in Bloomfield, Missouri.
The Bloomfield Chamber of Commerce distributed homemade cookies to the Stoddard County Sheriff's Department for the officers to enjoy this week.
BRAVERY and heroism are not only character traits for police officers; rather they are job requirements.
Everyday, those who wear the BADGE put their lives on the line to keep the public safe.
Every time an officer is dispatched to an incident, they have no idea of the dangers that await them.
In America alone, more than 166 officers were killed in the line of duty last year with hundreds of others losing their lives worldwide.
The public has an opportunity to thank law enforcement officers for their work on National Thank a Police Officer Day. Throughout the week please stop in and thank them for all they do.
The event has been organized by the Whole Truth Project – an organization set up to protect and serve those who protect and serve our communities. Though not an official holiday declared by the U.S. Government, it should be noted that our police force deserve to be recognized not just annually, but thanked daily for all they do for us.
If you would like to thank a police officer or show support please take the time this week to stop in and say thank you! Thank you for risking your life each so we don't have to. Thank you for being there for us day in and day out, night after night without hesitation or fear.
National Police Week is held annually in May.
Shown in the photo from left to right are: Gary Brady, Mayor Bill Aslin, Carl Hefner, Goldie DeGroot, Ruth Strickland, Toni Hill, and Karen Griffin.

The following individuals have made donations in July and August to the Stoddard County Children’s Home, Inc. in Memory or in Honor of a loved one.
Anna Kristina Stokes in Memory of Opal Bondurant Tamra & Randall Terry in Memory of Opal Bondurant Ishmael Smith in Memory of Alice Vaughn Griffey
New Bethen Church in Honor of Cheerful Workers Class Doris Moore in Memory of M.C. Moore
Lynn Hassell in Memory of Percy Clippard
Cecil Vincent in Memory of Kenneth Brock
Mike & Susie Meese in Memory of Bobby Johnson
S.D. & N. N. Arnold in Memory of Opal Bondurant
George & Janice Arnold in Memory of Opal Bondurant
Norman & Leslie Knicl in Memory of Opal Bondurant
Deane Williams in Memory of Melvin “Churn” Williams
Sherry & Jim Paules in Memory of Betty Guinn
Class of 1957 in Memory of Carolyn “Douglas” Reasons
Kenneth & Carolyn Walters in Memory of Billy Aycock
Marv & Freda Ferguson in Memory of Rev. Wiley McGhee
Darrel & Debbie Crow in Memory of Billy West Aycock
Bruce & Karen Dawson in Memory of Billy Aycock
Steve & Norma Womack in Memory of Opal Bondurant
Bobby Lowrey Farms in Memory of Karen Seiler, Jim Spitler, Myrtle Adams & AB Campbell Holly & Jay Lemons in Memory of Elaine Lemons
Dirk, Marcia, Taylor & Zack Eggiman in Memory of David VanGennip
Bud & Donna Wilson in Memory of Jarnett Trosper
Amy Seals in Honor of Ruby Elaine Lemons
Denny & Linda Blake in Memory of Charles “Chase” Chilcutt
Doug & Lydia Temples in Memory of Earl Hutchison
Randy & Betty Russell in Memory of Harold Wright
Randy & Betty Russell in Memory of Earl (Hutch) Hutchison
Carl Godwin in Memory of Earl (Hutch) Hutchison
Advance Community Teachers Assn. in Memory of Cecilia Beel-Wilton
Joe & Cynthia French in Honor of John & Janet Davis 50th Wedding Anniversary James & Carrol Russell in Memory of Earl (Hutch) Hutchison
Jane, Stan, Tim, & Kevin Flowers & Families in Memory of Bob Rowe
Jane, Stan, Tim, & Kevin Flowers & Families in Memory of Henry John Ruhl

Local residents chosen as State Fair Farm Family for Stoddard County
Bloomfield, Missouri - Bobby and Jackie Harmon and daughter, Miley, of Puxico, MO were among the families honored during the Missouri Farm Family Day, Aug. 15 at the Missouri State Fair.
The Harmon family was selected as the Stoddard County Missouri Farm Family by the Stoddard County Extension Council and local Farm Bureau. Each year, the fair sets aside a day to recognize farm families from across the state who are active in their communities, involved in agriculture and participate in local outreach and extension programs such as 4-H or FFA.
The annual event is sponsored by five partner agencies, including the Missouri Farm Bureau, the Missouri Department of Agriculture, the Missouri State Fair and Commissioners, the University of Missouri College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, and University of Missouri Extension.
This was the first year in its 58-year history that all 114 counties participated by nominating a family.
The event showcases the impact Missouri Farm Families have on the economy and heritage of our state. “These families are involved in agriculture activities in their communities, and are active participants in local outreach and extension,” said Missouri State Fair Director Mark Wolfe. “As the showcase for Missouri agriculture, the Missouri State Fair is most certainly the appropriate place to celebrate these families.”
Pictured: Front Row – Bobby, Miley and Jackie Harmon.
Back row dignitaries include: Rob Kallenbach, Asst. Dean of Ag Extension, MU College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, Todd Hays, Vice President, Missouri Farm Bureau, Ted Sheppard, State Fair Commissioner, Lani Ogle, 2016 Missouri State Fair Queen, Jack Magruder, State Fair Commissioner, Barbara Hayden, State Fair Commissioner, and Lloyd Wilson, Deputy Director, Missouri Department of Ag