Bloomfield, Missouri - National Thank a Police Officer Day is held annually and Mayor Bill Aslin has written a Proclamation to dedicate September 12th as our day to celebrate National Thank a Police Officer Day in Bloomfield, Missouri.
The Bloomfield Chamber of Commerce distributed homemade cookies to the Stoddard County Sheriff's Department for the officers to enjoy this week.
BRAVERY and heroism are not only character traits for police officers; rather they are job requirements.
Everyday, those who wear the BADGE put their lives on the line to keep the public safe.
Every time an officer is dispatched to an incident, they have no idea of the dangers that await them.
In America alone, more than 166 officers were killed in the line of duty last year with hundreds of others losing their lives worldwide.
The public has an opportunity to thank law enforcement officers for their work on National Thank a Police Officer Day. Throughout the week please stop in and thank them for all they do.
The event has been organized by the Whole Truth Project – an organization set up to protect and serve those who protect and serve our communities. Though not an official holiday declared by the U.S. Government, it should be noted that our police force deserve to be recognized not just annually, but thanked daily for all they do for us.
If you would like to thank a police officer or show support please take the time this week to stop in and say thank you! Thank you for risking your life each so we don't have to. Thank you for being there for us day in and day out, night after night without hesitation or fear.
National Police Week is held annually in May.
Shown in the photo from left to right are: Gary Brady, Mayor Bill Aslin, Carl Hefner, Goldie DeGroot, Ruth Strickland, Toni Hill, and Karen Griffin.