Dexter, Missouri – The ShowMe Times Dexter Athlete Spotlight shines on Emily Page.
Emily is a Dexter Bearcat Football Cheerleader. She is a senior at the Dexter High School.
She is the daughter of Louise and Michael Page.
Page is active in the Pep Club, Model City, Missouri Girls State, and was a member of the Top 10% for two years.
She was on the All-County Cheerleading Team in 2016 and the Academic-All-State Volleyball Team in 2016.
Her future plans are to run track and field in college. Emily enjoys pageants, running, and being in good company. She has participated in varsity track and basketball and football cheerleading. Outside of school she participated in the AAU Cleats of Fire Track Team.
She is a member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
Our Dexter Cheerleaders motivate our football team and Bearcat Fans each Friday night and we are very exciting to see them cheer in front of the home town crowd or at an away game! We are very proud of them and glad they are on OUR team!
Their routines have many components including tumbling, jumps, cheers, stunts, and dance and they are there for us each and every game, rain or shine, hot or cold!! We love our Bearcat cheerleaders!
"A Cheerleader is a DREAMER that NEVER gives up!"