Church News

Praying for America Each Thursday
August 24th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Praying for America Each Thursday

Dexter, Missouri - Join the First Assembly of God Church located at 911 Brown Pilot Lane in Dexter on Thursday evenings from 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. from August 25th - November 3rd.  You don't have to be a member of the church or any church to drop in and pray for our great country.

Praying for America is a non-denominational time to just get closer to God and pray for our country, the military, our schools, our economy, or whatever may be troubled in our state.

• Pray that God will turn people’s hearts toward Himself, and that He will be glorified in the outcome of the upcoming general election.

• Pray that God’s people will demonstrate a spirit of repentance and prayer--individually and corporately. (2 Chron. 7:14)

• Pray that God will raise up righteous leaders who will model integrity and authenticity. (Eph. 4:1-2; Prov. 14:34)

• Pray that Americans will see their spiritual poverty; that our nation’s citizens will awaken to their great spiritual need. (Joel 3:12)

• Pray that godly men and women will be placed in positions of authority so that God’s people can rejoice. (Prov. 29:2)

• Pray that leaders we elect will be just, fear God rather than men, and depart from evil. (2 Sam. 23:3; Prov. 1:7; 14:26; 16:6)

• Pray that citizens will seek wise leaders who listen to biblical counsel. (Prov. 1:3–5)

• Pray that citizens will vote with wisdom and discretion. (Prov. 3:21b)

• Pray that people will be able to see truth (Ps. 86:11), that error will be exposed, and that people with wicked agendas will be made weak. (Prov. 25:5)

• Pray that Christians will speak the truth, but in love, concerning those running for office. (Eph. 4:15)

• Pray that Christians will avoid negativity, fault-finding, and contentiousness, but instead, will stand out as God’s loving, pure children. (Phil. 2:14–15)

• Pray for truth in the media. (Prov. 12:22) • Pray that Christians will put their confidence in God, rather than any political candidate. (Ps. 118:8–9)

• Pray that Christians will look to God to overcome the enemies of truth and righteousness. (Ps. 60:11-12)

• Pray that those who love righteousness and truth will fulfill their responsibility to vote. (Matt. 22:21)

• Pray that God will work through leaders to keep the doors open for His Gospel to be proclaimed. (Col. 4:3a)

• Pray for God’s will to be accomplished in the elections. (Ps. 33:11; 103:19; 115:3)

For more information contact Alma Smith at (573) 624-8916 or (573) 625-0427. 

Last Updated on August 24th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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