Church News

Praying for America Each Thursday
August 24th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Praying for America Each Thursday

Dexter, Missouri - Join the First Assembly of God Church located at 911 Brown Pilot Lane in Dexter on Thursday evenings from 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. from August 25th - November 3rd.  You don't have to be a member of the church or any church to drop in and pray for our great country.

Praying for America is a non-denominational time to just get closer to God and pray for our country, the military, our schools, our economy, or whatever may be troubled in our state.

• Pray that God will turn people’s hearts toward Himself, and that He will be glorified in the outcome of the upcoming general election.

• Pray that God’s people will demonstrate a spirit of repentance and prayer--individually and corporately. (2 Chron. 7:14)

• Pray that God will raise up righteous leaders who will model integrity and authenticity. (Eph. 4:1-2; Prov. 14:34)

• Pray that Americans will see their spiritual poverty; that our nation’s citizens will awaken to their great spiritual need. (Joel 3:12)

• Pray that godly men and women will be placed in positions of authority so that God’s people can rejoice. (Prov. 29:2)

• Pray that leaders we elect will be just, fear God rather than men, and depart from evil. (2 Sam. 23:3; Prov. 1:7; 14:26; 16:6)

• Pray that citizens will seek wise leaders who listen to biblical counsel. (Prov. 1:3–5)

• Pray that citizens will vote with wisdom and discretion. (Prov. 3:21b)

• Pray that people will be able to see truth (Ps. 86:11), that error will be exposed, and that people with wicked agendas will be made weak. (Prov. 25:5)

• Pray that Christians will speak the truth, but in love, concerning those running for office. (Eph. 4:15)

• Pray that Christians will avoid negativity, fault-finding, and contentiousness, but instead, will stand out as God’s loving, pure children. (Phil. 2:14–15)

• Pray for truth in the media. (Prov. 12:22) • Pray that Christians will put their confidence in God, rather than any political candidate. (Ps. 118:8–9)

• Pray that Christians will look to God to overcome the enemies of truth and righteousness. (Ps. 60:11-12)

• Pray that those who love righteousness and truth will fulfill their responsibility to vote. (Matt. 22:21)

• Pray that God will work through leaders to keep the doors open for His Gospel to be proclaimed. (Col. 4:3a)

• Pray for God’s will to be accomplished in the elections. (Ps. 33:11; 103:19; 115:3)

For more information contact Alma Smith at (573) 624-8916 or (573) 625-0427. 

Last Updated on August 24th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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First United Methodist Church Delivers Goody Bags to School Employees
August 18th 2016 by Dee Loflin
First United Methodist Church Delivers Goody Bags to School Employees

Dexter, Missouri - First United Methodist Church in Dexter created 300 educator goody bags for Dexter Public School teachers and staff.

Today, Donna Keller, Dee Wamble, Vicky Jarrell, Pastor Ron Beaton, Shirley Alexander, and Larry White delivered the bags to the schools.

What an awesome idea and everyone appreciated all the surprises.  The bags were filled with chocolate candy, hard candy, chips, pencils, popcorn, protein bars, Post-it notes, pens, tissues..and a note that they are praying for everyone at all the schools, bus garage, and administration building..

This morning Donna Keller, Dee Wamble, Vicky Jarrell, Pastor Ron Beaton, Shirley Alexander, and Larry White delivered almost 300 educator goody bags from Dexter First United Methodist Church to all the employees of Dexter Public Schools.

Last Updated on August 18th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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First Prayer Walk for Bloomfield Schools a Success
August 17th 2016 by Dee Loflin
First Prayer Walk for Bloomfield Schools a Success

Bloomfield, Missouri - More than 100 people turned-out for the first Prayer Walk for Bloomfield Schools.  It was a powerful and emotional evening as community members walked the campus and prayed for Bloomfield R-14 staff and students.

Administrators, teachers, parents, students, former students, school board members, retired staff and members of the community were in attendance.

"Our school matters," commented Barbara Rice.  "I am so proud of our school and our community. This brought happy tears upon recalling many happy school years for me, my family and the 28 years of being a part of the staff at Bloomfield Schools."

"There were prayers for students, staff, administration, parents for protection and for knowledge," commented organizer Heather White.  "It was powerful! I can't wait to see what good things are in store for our school."

"I think we have a new tradition," continued White.

Bloomfield R-14 Schools begin on Thursday, August 18th.  We hope each of you have a great 2016-2017 school year!

Last Updated on August 17th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Prayer Walk for Bloomfield Schools
August 15th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Prayer Walk for Bloomfield Schools

Bloomfield, Missouri - A Prayer Walk will be held at Bloomfield Schools on Wednesday, August 17th at 6:00 p.m. 

All who believe in the power of prayer are invited to attend.  Everyone will meet at the Bloomfield High School gym parking lot for Opening Prayer by Heather White.

Then everyone will walk the perimeter of the campus praying silently.  Afterwards, they will divide up and kneel or place a hand on a specific building to pray for the staff and students for the upcoming academic school year.

All ages are encouraged to come and pray.

Please share and help get the word out to all Bloomfield residents.  It doesn't matter if you have a child or grandchild in school, just come out and pray for everyone!

Last Updated on August 15th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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4th Annual Prayer Walk for Dexter Schools Held
August 11th 2016 by Dee Loflin
4th Annual Prayer Walk for Dexter Schools Held

Dexter, Missouri - More than 60 people attended the Prayer Walk for Dexter Public Schools on Tuesday evening.

Roxanne and Greg McGhee held the 4th Annual Prayer Walk at Southwest School parking lot.

"It's back to school time and we begin a new school year with many concerns, apprehensions, and hopes," stated Roxanne.  "What better way to begin the school year than to begin in prayer?"

Her husband, Greg, serves as the youth minister at First Baptist Church in Dexter; however the Prayer Walk is open to anyone and is completely independent of any one church or Dexter Public Schools.

"It’s about community and our faith in God," commented Greg.

“Lord, we pray that you will grant our educators wisdom as they deal with an ever-changing society.  Help them to remember that every effort is an opportunity to change a life, to inspire, to energize, to bring out that special gift you You have blessed to each and every one of us.”

Several walked the entire campus from Southwest Elementary all the way to Central Elementary, others drove from place to place.  Several stopped at the Bearcat Event Center, High School, and Charles Bland Stadium to pray for administrators, teachers, and students. 

The McGhees plan to continue this event annually.  Next year will be the 5th annual Prayer Walk for Dexter Schools and hopefully the largest in attendance.

Last Updated on August 11th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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