Dexter, Missouri - The First Assembly of God Church will host the Fellowship of Christian Athletes breakfast. Athletes should be ready to eat at 7:20 a.m. and will have plenty of time to get to school on time.
Due are $15, you will need to pay Coach Lovelady or Coach Allen as soon as possible. This is a great opportunity for all athletes to get involved.
The First Assembly of God Church is located at 911 Brown Pilot Road behind Southwest Elementary School.
The FCA Vision
To see the world impacted for Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.
The FCA Mission
To present to coaches and athletes, and all whom they influence, the challenge and adventure of receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, serving Him in their relationships and in the fellowship of the church.
The Four C’s of Ministry:
Coaches Ministry, Campus Ministry, Camp Ministry and Community Ministry
The FCA Values
Our relationships will demonstrate steadfast commitment to Jesus Christ and His Word through Integrity, Serving, Teamwork and Excellence.
We will demonstrate Christ-like wholeness, privately, and publicly.
We will model Jesus’ example of serving.
We will express our unity in Christ in all our relationships.
We will honor and glorify God in all we do.
Below is the 2016 Church Breakfast Schedule
September 2nd - First Christian Church
September 9th - Church of Christ
September 16th - Faith Lutheran Church
September 23rd - First United Methodist Church
September 30th - Risen Church
October 7th - Lighthouse Christian Center
October 14th - Liberty Hill (at First Baptist Church)
October 21st - Sacred Heart Catholic Church

Bernie, Missouri - Bernie 5th and 6th grade will have a Chess Club. Meetings start next week on Wednesday, August 31, 2016 at 12:30 in the school cafeteria.
The students that signed up for this club will get permission slips to take home this week that are due back Friday, August 26th.
The chess club will be held every Wednesday during lunch recess for the entire 1st quarter.
Why get your children involved in Chess? It's a game of strategy and help develop a student's mind. The game of Chess improves concentration and memory as well as enhances reading and math skills. It also fosters logic, critical thinking, and creativity.
National Chess Day is Saturday, October 12th. It's a great time to dust off the board or go online and play a game of strategy and logic!

Southeast Missouri Schools Encouraged to Participate
in MoDOT's 13th Annual Bridge Building Competition
Registration Deadline: September 6th
Sikeston, Missouri - The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) is sponsoring its 13th annual bridge building competition for high school juniors and seniors in the Southeast District. The competition challenges students to design and construct the most efficient model bridge using limited materials-15 pieces of balsa wood, thread and glue.
Schools must register by Sept. 6 to compete in the competition. Contest information and registration forms have been mailed to area high schools. If a school is interested in participating and has not received the registration paperwork by Aug. 29, they are encouraged to contact MoDOT. Schools may register online or via email. The online registration form is available at: www.modot.org/southeast/BridgeBuildingCompetition.htm. Completed forms may also be emailed to anita.clark@modot.mo.gov and gretchen.hanks@modot.mo.gov.
The bridge kits will be delivered to the participating schools Oct. 3 and 4. Completed bridges will be picked up from participating schools Oct. 31 and Nov. 1.
Bridges entered in the competition will be tested Nov. 17 at Cape West 14 Cine in Cape Girardeau. The lightest bridge to carry the greatest load will ultimately be declared the winner. Prizes will also be awarded for the most aesthetic bridge and to the winner of the electronic bridge competition.
Prizes donated by area businesses and organizations will be awarded to the top bridge building winners.
In addition, MoDOT has partnered with Arkansas State University, Southeast Missouri State University, Missouri University of Science and Technology, University of Missouri-Columbia and Southern Illinois University to offer seniors interested in civil engineering up to $10,000 in scholarships.
For more information about the bridge competition, please contact Senior Highway Designer Anita Clark at (573) 472-5294 or anita.clark@modot.mo.gov, Senior Highway Designer Gretchen Hanks at (573) 472-5295 or gretchen.hanks@modot.mo.gov, or MoDOT's Customer Service Center toll-free at 1-888 ASK MODOT (275-6636). Photos and videos from prior competitions are available at www.modot.org/southeast/programs/BridgeCompetition.htm.

Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter School Board held their monthly meeting on Tuesday, August 16, 2016. Below is the press release from Superintendent Mitch Wood.
The public tax rate hearing was held at 5:50 PM.
Call to Order - President
Roll Call – All members were present
Pledge of Allegiance – Board
Approved Consent Agenda
Board Agenda
Minutes of July 26, 2016, Regular Board Meeting
Payment of Bills
Budget Amendment ECSE Bus Lease
Public Comments - None
Old Business
New Business
2016–17 Tax LevyThe Board approved the 2016-17 tax levy for the Dexter R-XI Schools as follows:
General Fund 1.3469
Special Revenue Fund 1.4400
Debt Service Fund .6231
Total Levy 3.4100
2016–17 Bus Routes
The Board approved the 2016-17 bus routes as presented.
2016-17 District Testing Schedule
The Board approved the 2016-17 district testing schedule as presented.
2016-17 Professional Development Plan
The Board approved the 2016-17 professional development plan as presented.
Policy Reviews – Mr. Wood reviewed MSBA Policies 2016B update.
These will be up for approval during the September board meeting.
Annual Secretary Board Report/Audit – The 2015-16 audit
report and Annual Secretary Board Report will be presented to the
board during the September meeting. Mr. Wood discussed the front
page of the ASBR which gives a brief summary of the district
Annette Breaux – Professional Development. Dr. Williams shared the survey which was given to the staff. She stated, “Annette Breaux was well received by the faculty and staff to the point that we are going to try and get her back for part II of her presentation.”
Student Registration Day –Enrollment was discussed, the total enrollment to start the year is 2137 compared to 2154 last year.
Facilities Update – Mr. Wood gave a facilities update on projects that were completed over the summer and also the progress of some of the existing projects.
Building Principal’s Report – An administrator from each building gave a report on happenings in their buildings.
In Executive Session
Approved Addition to the Sub Teacher List: Bill HamptonAccepted Resignation of paraprofessionals; Lauren VonRuden and William Vance.
Accepted Resignation of Southwest Secretary, Donna Mason.
Approved the employment of paraprofessionals, Victoria Sayer,Tracy Botsch and Kasidy Twaddell for 2016-17.
The September board meeting date was moved to September 19, 2016 @ 6:00 pm.

Dexter, Missouri - The First Baptist Church will host the Fellowship of Christian Athletes breakfast. Athletes should be ready to eat at 7:20 a.m. and will have plenty of time to get to school on time.
"This is a good opportunity for each student who shows up to get a good breakfast in their system before a long day of school and football," commented co-sponsor Kurt Lovelady. "the fellowship these students have with one another is great."
Tomorrow Greg McGhee will have a devotion to deliver after everyone gets "checked-in" on their social media then it is time to have face-to-face conversations with one another.
"I really hope the students walk away from FCA with better character both on and off the court/field," continued Lovelady. "I also hope they see that they have someone to turn to if they ever need to talk about something going on or if they ever have questions about their faith or furthering their relationship with Jesus Christ."
Due are $15, but you don't have to pay tomorrow. They will also be giving some dates of when to turn in dues and find out how many t-shirts need to be ordered. This is a great opportunity for all athletes to get involved.
The FCA Vision
To see the world impacted for Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.
The FCA Mission
To present to coaches and athletes, and all whom they influence, the challenge and adventure of receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, serving Him in their relationships and in the fellowship of the church.
The Four C’s of Ministry:
Coaches Ministry, Campus Ministry, Camp Ministry and Community Ministry
The FCA Values
Our relationships will demonstrate steadfast commitment to Jesus Christ and His Word through Integrity, Serving, Teamwork and Excellence.
We will demonstrate Christ-like wholeness, privately, and publicly.
We will model Jesus’ example of serving.
We will express our unity in Christ in all our relationships.
We will honor and glorify God in all we do.
Below is the 2016 Church Breakfast Schedule
August 19th - First Baptist Church
August 26th - Assembly of God
September 2nd - First Christian Church
September 9th - Church of Christ
September 16th - Faith Lutheran Church
September 23rd - First United Methodist Church
September 30th - Risen Church
October 7th - Lighthouse Christian Center
October 14th - Liberty Hill (at First Baptist Church)
October 21st - Sacred Heart Catholic Church