Faith Matters

Daily Devotional - The Good Life
August 03rd 2016 by Dee Loflin
Daily Devotional - The Good Life

Psalms 100

We all know of people who suffer from deteriorating health, financial reverses, and other troubles. How are we to process such situations in light of what the Scriptures teach about the Lord’s goodness and the expression of His benevolence towards us?

First, God’s character is perfect, and everything He does is right. (See Deut. 32:4.) He is “compassionate and gracious ... and abounding in lovingkindness” (Ps. 103:8). By His very nature, God is good. Second, our heavenly Father expresses His goodness based on His purpose of conforming us to the image of Christ (Rom. 8:29). From the Lord’s perspective, everything that fits into His plan is beneficial for us.

The greatest demonstration of our Father’s goodness is seen in His Son’s life and death. Jesus left His heavenly home, took on the form of man, suffered, and died in our place so we might be forgiven (Phil. 2:6-8). Because of what our Savior endured, we who have trusted in Him are adopted into God’s family, and heaven is our eternal home.

At the time of Christ’s crucifixion, the disciples could not see anything beneficial in it. They knew only great sorrow. But we understand that God gave His own Son so that He might accomplish our salvation (Rom. 8:32).

Our definition of the good life would probably include material success, good health, and the absence of trouble—things that make us happy right now. But God has an eternal perspective, and He always works to fulfill His long-term plan for us. We can trust in His goodness, even in dark times.

Last Updated on August 03rd 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Daily Devotional - Discerning God's Goodness
July 25th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Daily Devotional - Discerning God's Goodness

Psalms 31:19-24

I’ve often heard folks proclaim, “God is good!” when all is going well but then doubt His benevolence when the blessings they envisioned don’t materialize. Because God alone is good, only He can accurately determine what is best for each person. His kindness is expressed in more ways than simply provision of wealth, health, and relationships. Some of His gifts are experiences we would never choose, but the Lord knows we need them in order to grow in faith, obedience, and perseverance. Consider the following expressions of God’s goodness toward us:

Loving Discipline. Since God’s love is unfailing, He corrects us when we refuse to follow Him and instead go our own way. The process is painful, but the result is “the peaceful fruit of righteousness” (Heb. 12:11).

Wise Limitations. Satan offers a world of opportunities and possessions that seem to promise happiness but ultimately draw us away from God. With great wisdom, the Lord lovingly withholds those things that prove detrimental to our spiritual life.

Useful Suffering. God knows which refining experiences we need in order to become fruitful in His kingdom. What appears to us as a valley of weeping is God’s place of preparation for godliness and service.

It can be tempting to interpret God’s character on the basis of our circumstances. If evidence compels us to doubt His goodness, we must remember that while His gifts come in a variety of wrappings, they are always beneficial. As Psalm 34:8 says, “O taste and see that the Lord is good.”

Last Updated on July 25th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Daily Devotional - Faithfulness Through the Ages
July 20th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Daily Devotional - Faithfulness Through the Ages

Deuteronomy 7:8-10

God is the only One who never disappoints. From the beginning of time, His Word has remained true. Every prophecy is a promise that has been or will be fulfilled.

Perhaps the greatest of these foretellings were the ones that told of the Messiah, and throughout the ages, believers longed for His coming. Prophets spoke about the Anointed One (2 Sam. 7:12-16; Isa. 7:14;  Isa. 9:6; Dan. 9:25 NIV; Micah 5:2). Although there was no further prophecy on the subject during the four centuries leading up to Christ’s birth, when the time was right, Jesus came to reconcile mankind to the Father.

Surely, people must have questioned whether the Savior would ever come. After all, 400 years is a long time to wait without any word. But, as history proves, God never falls short on His promises. He is trustworthy, even when His timetable differs from what we hoped.

Knowing this, we can read Scripture’s assurances with expectation. For instance, if we believe in Jesus as our Lord and Savior and choose to follow Him, the Bible promises our salvation. We can rest assured that we are forgiven and redeemed. What’s more, nothing can separate us from God’s love (Rom. 8:38-39), and we can trust that He will provide everything we need to accomplish His purpose in our lives.

These are but a few foundational promises; the Word contains many more. Consider God’s faithfulness throughout the Bible and in your own life, and realize that He will be steadfast in the future as well. By living obediently, you can have full confidence that He will do all He has promised.

Last Updated on July 20th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Daily Devotional - Our Faithful Father
July 19th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Daily Devotional - Our Faithful Father

2 Timothy 2:11-13

All of us experience times when our circumstances seem unbearable, prayers appear to go unanswered, and the Lord feels distant. When that happens, we may wonder if He is the same as we once believed Him to be. During such times of helplessness, faith falters for some people yet grows stronger for others. What causes these opposite responses to suffering?

The key is simply one’s understanding of and trust in God’s faithfulness. This term means that the Lord never changes—He always does what is right, remains true to His promises, and is 100 percent reliable. In other words, we can trust our almighty God, regardless of our situation or attitude.

Our understanding of God relates to this concept. Do we trust Him enough to obey, even when obedience seems foolish? Are we so confident He hears and answers prayer that we consistently bring requests before His throne, even when we don’t see an immediate response? Are we daily sacrificing our selfish desires and patterns of living because we believe His promise of eternity, joy, and peace? An answer of “no” may indicate a deficient understanding of God’s character. That’s why reading the Bible is so important—through Scripture’s countless illustrations of our Father’s attributes, we learn who He is and increasingly trust Him.

Thankfully, God’s faithfulness does not depend on our circumstances, our feelings, or even our own faithfulness. He is true to His Word and true to Himself. How would your life look different if you had complete confidence that God was trustworthy and unchanging?

Last Updated on July 19th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Daily Devotional - Why We Doubt Our Salvation
July 18th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Daily Devotional - Why We Doubt Our Salvation

John 10:28

If you have trusted in Jesus Christ and yet continually doubt your salvation, then your whole life is thrown off balance. Key areas of faith begin to crumble, and you limit the work of the Holy Spirit in and through you. It is impossible to live an effective, empowered, Spirit-filled life if you are always wondering whether you are saved. Why, then, do believers so often doubt? Let’s consider five key reasons:

1. Sin. When disobedience is present in a person’s life, his prayers will be hindered, as will his grasp of spiritual ideas. So it’s understandable that sin can confuse a believer’s thoughts about salvation.

2. False Teaching. If you’ve been taught that salvation is dependent upon good works, then you have been misled.

3. Overemphasis on Emotions. Too often, the experience of being saved is tied to an emotional high. This leads many people to doubt their salvation during times of life’s natural “emotional lows.”

 4. Disbelief. Acts 16:31 clearly states, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.” If you’ve made this saving confession, then you are saved. Doubting the truth of this statement means that you fail to take God at His word.

5. Satanic Attack. The enemy’s goal is to alienate us from God. One of his most effective tactics is to cause us to question our standing with the Lord.

If you doubt your salvation, prayerfully examine your heart. Are any of these falsehoods corroding your faith? Allow the Lord to comfort you with His love—and the truth of your salvation.

Last Updated on July 18th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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