Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter School Board met on Tuesday, July 26, 2016 for a regular July board meeting. Below are the minutes taken at the meeting.
Call to Order/Roll Call/Pledge The Board President announced the meeting was to begin, ascertained the attendance status of Board members, and led in the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Consent Agenda was approved.
Public Comments None at this time
Old Business
A. The Board approved MSBA Policy Update 2016 as presented by Mr. Wood.
New Business
A. MARE membership
The Board renewed its membership with the Missouri Association of Rural Education.
B. 2016-2017 District Goals
The district goals were revised for Board approval. See attached.
C. Date and Time for August Tax Rate Hearing
The date for the annual public Tax Rate Hearing was scheduled at 5:50 PM immediately before our next regular Board meeting on August 16, 2016.
D. Set non-resident tuition
The Board approved the 2016-2017 non-resident tuition rate of $7,900.00
E. Special Education Local Compliance Plan
The Board approved the 2016-17 Special Education compliance plan.
A. The Board approved the refunding by L.J. Hart & Company for the Series 2011 Bonds that will reduce the avg. interest rate from 2.32% down to 1.02% for an approximate saving of $167,000.00.
B. Teacher Orientation Meeting and Staff Luncheon -- The Board of Education was invited to attend the general staff meeting on the opening day of teacher workshops on Monday, August 8th in the high school auditorium.
The Board of Education was invited to attend the annual staff luncheon at 11:30 AM on Monday, August 8th in the high school cafeteria.
Our entire staff will be at this luncheon along with a large number of retirees.
C. MSBA Fall Conference –- Mr. Wood informed the board the MSBA Fall Conference will be held from Wednesday, September 28th through the evening of Friday, October 1st @ Tan-Tar-A.
D. Mr. Wood updated the board on what has transpired over the summer: The marquee on Grant and One Mile road has been installed and is expected to be completed with a topper and skirting by the beginning of school.
The new phone system is being installed within the district and will be completed by the time school starts.
The football scoreboard installation started this week and is expected to be completed within the next few weeks in time for the football jamboree.
The park / school partnership with the baseball facility is underway, the dugouts are gone, backstop gone and the infield has been leveled again to prepare it for the grass infield. This is on schedule to be completed late this fall.
In executive session the Board:
* accepted the resignation of SW paraprofessional Tonya Whitehead.
* approved the transfer assignment of Jana Blankenship to SW Elementary Building aide.
* approved the employment of paraprofessional Charity Busby for 2016-2017 school year
* approved the employment of paraprofessional Tate Midkiff for 2016-2017 school year
* approved the employment of paraprofessional Kimberly Crumley for 2016-2017 school year
* approved the employment of paraprofessional Hannah Mathis for 2016-2017 school year
* approved the employment of paraprofessional Misty Kaufman for 2016-2017 school year
* approved the employment of paraprofessional Janet Guethle for 2016-2017 school year
* approved the assignment of head girls tennis coach April Aldridge for 2016-2017 school year
* approved the employment of asst. girls tennis coach Chris Brannon for 2016-2017 school year
* approved the employment of head MS boys basketball coach Lloyd Hyten for 2016-2017 school year
* approved a list of potential substitute teachers